Zack’s Gridfinity vids were the reason I bought a printer in the first place so Thangs was my first stop, and I love that their search also indexes Printables/Thingiverse/Cults3D/etc.
Printables has the best UI and community engagement though. Seriously, in 2023 there’s no excuse for your website not having a dark mode option.
This is brilliant! I have a ton of these shelves in my garage and kept meaning to figure out a way to hang more stuff on them. Thanks for sharing :)
More visible promotion of active magazines would go a long way too. Almost every suggested magazine across the top of my nav bar is an empty ghost community, probably made on a whim during the Reddit kerfuffle and then abandoned.
I’m super grateful right now that my shoulder mobility is returning after a nasty fall at the bouldering gym last night. Still aches like a mofo and probably will for a week or two, but at least I can wipe my own ass :)
Even aside from the temptation to use offsets to kick the can down the road for reduction targets, the rampant abuse of carbon credits make this absolutely the right decision.
Relevant viewing: Wendover Productions: The Carbon Offset Problem
I’m currently halfway through Tchaikovsky’s Shadows of the Apt series and I’m enjoying the plot but finding his writing style a bit tedious at times - excessive rehashing of events that happened like two chapters ago, overembellished emotional dramatics, and painstakingly spelling out every single character’s internal monologue like it’s a Jane Austen novel.
I know CoT was written later, so I’m wondering if his tone/style has developed a bit? He has cool ideas, I’m just wishing he’d trust the reader enough to get a bit more ‘show, don’t tell’ with his writing…