Honestly, I don’t really set an age limit. I won’t judge people who are out for fun. I’ve been there, there’s not much to do around where I live.
That being said though… Regardless of your age, if you costume up, you’re likely to get more candy from me. (I’ll also offer candy to parents and older siblings who aren’t taking part because I’m cool like that. Just don’t stick chocolate bars in your pockets LMAO)
Good thing they’re doing this just as people are wondering what comes after Windows 10 is EOL /s.
Fork and knife/spoon - use the fork to spin and the other to cut off the pasta. This allows you to get a decent-sized mouthful without looking like these 4.
Also chopsticks. I could never but a friend I used to talk to swore by it.
I’d pretend I didn’t know about Pokemon unless asked because my image of Pokemon is very different to their new eyes. Don’t wanna ruin it for them, you know?
Not enough nanomachines.
While Gnome can be shaped into something Windowslike with extensions ‘Arcmenu’ and ‘Dash to Panel’, for another user I’d suggest just using a DE that already works like that. Best choices IMO are Cinnamon or KDE.
Since you already want to use a Ubuntu desktop, I’ll stick to suggesting Ubuntu flavours. KDE on Ubuntu, you’ll want Kubuntu. For Cinnamon, there is a Ubuntu Cinnamon flavour.
KDE is somewhat more modern-feeling than Cinnamon but also uses more resources. If your GF’s system is a bit weak, maybe go for Cinnamon. Cinnamon is also a bit retro in it’s design, so it might be more comfortable for people used to older Windows versions.
I recommend downloading a live installer for both, showing her them and letting her pick the one she likes the most. (On that note, I hope you got her permission to do this…)
Oh yes. Salt and Pepper chicken without the window open. Once and only once. Soon as the spice went in, I realised my mistake. The kitchen was unbearable for the whole night.