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100% that is a reference to being able to build new shuttles. The only plot hole is in some people’s heads not being able to apply context and requiring things to be explicitly said to counter a different explicit statement, which is ridiculous.

The Delta Flyer was clearly more capable than a standard shuttle, that was why it was necessary. If they can build that in a week then clearly a standard shuttle isn’t an issue with the raw materials. At episode 5, access to those materials is questionable, throughout the show we clearly see they can do things they would never have been able to do at the beginning. No idea why people get so stuck on the shuttles and torpedoes while the ship itself looks like it just came out of drydock 99% of the time.


All they needed to do was change how they handled the API for third party apps. Charging for it isn’t the issue, it’s the prohibitive cost they decided to attach to essentially ALL API access regardless of use, as a response to Large Language Models scrapping the site.

They could have introduced separate pricing for confirmed 3rd party app usage for individuals. Or they could have introduced individual API tokens for 3rd party app use, and locked it behind something like a reddit gold subscription. Even that would be better than effectively killing all of it off.

It’s clear they did absolutely no brainstorming about other options before deciding to nuke it all.


Agreed, I wish we had gotten another season or 2 and could have seen the planned NX refit to get that middle evolution to the Constitution on screen.


The number of judges has been changed by Congress quite a few times for various reasons.

The Judiciary Act of 1789 set the number at six: a chief justice and five associate justices. In 1807, Congress increased the number of justices to seven; in 1837, the number was bumped up to nine; and in 1863, it rose to 10. In 1866, Congress passed the Judicial Circuits Act, which shrank the number of justices back down to seven and prevented President Andrew Johnson from appointing anyone new to the court. Three years later, in 1869, Congress raised the number of justices to nine, where it has stood ever since. In 1937, in an effort to create a court more friendly to his New Deal programs, President Franklin Roosevelt attempted to convince Congress to pass legislation that would allow a new justice to be added to the court—for a total of up to 15 members—for every justice over 70 who opted not to retire.

The best justification I’ve seen for a specific number that’s not pulled out of thin air is to set the number the same as the number of federal appellate courts, currently 12, with each Justice essentially overseeing an appellate circuit. This is something they already do, but it is no longer a 1:1 ratio with only 9 Justices.


That would require them actually caring about veterans and the military, which they don’t. They say they do and hype it all up about supporting the troops and then when it comes down to actually assign any sort of legislation to do so they always turn the other way.


1.83GB here, been using Liftoff as my main app since it was first shared on GitHub, v0.9.4 I think was my first version.


I remember an article (or maybe it was a comment on an article) from a supposed former reddit dev a couple weeks ago that their database caching for user comments doesn’t actually keep track of every comment you make, beyond a certain point older items will be dropped off the list as new ones are added. So for old accounts, not everything will be listed when looking at your comment list, which is how these tools usually work. The comments are all there in the database obviously and can be loaded when opening a page, but the cache for your account only allows X number of items to be referenced with old items dropping off as new ones are added. When you go to your account comment list it just looks up that cached reference list, it doesn’t actually search the database for everything. So on an old account it will have a lot missing because things have fallen off that reference list. Wish I could find that article of comment now to reference though.


Those are things that the vast majority of truck owners never get near doing. There are a ton of truck owners that have never hooked up a trailer before in their life and only have used the bed for something like transporting an appliance once. It isn’t something they actively use as designed even once a month.
