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You clearly haven’t worked a help desk if you think even those simple instructions are something every end user is capable of or willing to do without issue.


No he won’t. At least not unless they have a couple million dollars to pay for that pardon. He already set his price before he left the first time. If anything it’ll go up because, you know, inflation.


AGI is the new Nuclear Fusion. It will always be 30 years away.


You seem to have a problem with reading comprehension buddy. Nothing in this entire thread is even remotely close to defending Epstein or his accomplices.

The closest it gets is demanding that the Constitutional rights of US citizens actually be acknowledged and defended instead of just allowing the government to ignore them because of some bullshit “think of the kids” excuse which is never about the kids, it’s always been about giving the police more excuses to arrest anyone they want. Usually those in the way of the rich and powerful, or a group they can then point to and classify as a criminal to justify treating them as less worthy of respect or basic rights.


I’m always on the fence with these subpoena resistance cases.

On the one hand, it’s Twitter, Elon, and Epstein related. Fuck all of them.

On the other hand, I don’t think that businesses should just blindly turn over information because the DOJ managed to find a judge that would rubber stamp a subpoena. Obviously that’s not every subpoena, or even likely a large number of them in the grand scheme, but it happening even once is too much to take it at face value being justified.


Are you trying to suggest not voting for one of the only two political parties?

I never even got close to suggesting that. I just pointed out the DNC has been steering the party in the same direction as the Republicans for the past 50 years. Shifting the entire political spectrum of the US so far to the right that we’re literally looking at half of the country outright endorsing an overt a Fascist Authoritarian takeover.

They’ve allowed this shift while claiming that because they’re socially liberal that they aren’t actually helping shift us towards the situation we’re in now. They don’t actually do anything to change when they lose elections because they know the electoral system inevitably results in 2 parties and their corporate donors don’t really care either, since both parties are in their pocket. The only real difference between the two is social policies and the occasional carrot given to “prove” they care so the citizens don’t actually revolt against the party and replace them all.

Our system is fucked, but it’s what we have to work within, this election options are pretty clear cut unless you’re a fucking idiot. It’s either maintaining at minimum the current poor status quo, or an overt Fascist Authoritarian takeover. And the DNC knows that, it’s why they have pushed through whoever the fuck they want for the past several elections, regardless of what initial primaries looked like. As soon as Hilary announced her candidacy the DNC did everything in their power to ensure she was the nominee, trying to make it superficially look like the people actually had a choice while standing in the way of every other candidate. Dem leadership relies on voters falling in line because the alternative is clear Fascism, but they keep showing that they don’t actually care once elected.

Don’t get me wrong, there are a few Dems that seem to actually care and try to work the way the system is intended, but they never make it anywhere in the party, and when they begin to get a following, leadership gets in the way to prevent them actually accomplishing anything truly worthwhile.

The DNC is probably worse than the RNC because of it, at least the Republicans are clear about their shitty intentions and rally behind that. Instead, the Dems attack and undermine each other as if the Republicans and their fascist threat didn’t exist.


Doing good things a few times doesn’t make up for all the other neoliberal corporate bullshit you seem to want to ignore happened.

Looks like providing a carrot once in a while works well at making people forget.


You seem to think the other hasn’t been working towards the same goal for the past 50 years at the best of corporations, just less obvious about it. The current Dems are fiscally conservative, and socially liberal. That’s why all the Republicans fight about is usually social issues, they’re both working towards whatever corporations want done with the money most of the time.


No, no, no. It’s clearly a city since the photo is flight info boards. Clearly he means Dallas Tort Worth, it’s a little tiny place unlike its bigger brother DFW.


You honestly think the current DNC leadership doesn’t still do what Pelosi says? You are an idiot if you think no longer having the title means no longer having power in US politics.

You also conveniently are ignoring the rest of the leadership. They’re still the other old fucks with the same ideas.

Changing a CEO doesn’t replace the rest of the Board of Directors.
