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12 posts • 61 comments


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I also dont underetand the tactic.

Couldnt anyone just start a single user instance and gain access that way?


I do not know about cat livers.

But my general personal opinion is that vets can tend to over investigate.

When you are getting into a series of tests for a cat (or for yourself), some good questions to ask are along the lines of:

  • what will change depending on the outcome of this test?

  • what would be the worst case scenario of not doing this test?

  • what are the risks of running this test?

Sometimes questions like this have led the vet to explain there is basically nothing to be done regardless of findings and the reason for the test is “to know”. If they suspect a diagnosis for which the treatment is $20k, and you will under no circumstance be able or willing to pay $20k, then there is effectively no treatment. So the real purpose of the test is to satisfy intellectual curiosity. If the test itself is expensive and/or uncomfortable for the animal, why bother?

If a likely outcome is more testing, then you need to keep digging. Endless investigations with no likely change in treatment is a service for the human to feel like they are doing the right thing, not a service for the cat to be more comfortable or healthy.

As an example, a cat developed a limp with no apparent discomfort for no known reason. He was an adventurous outdoor cat so some kind of injury was possible. I took the cat to the vet who found nothing on physical exam and xray. The vet wanted to then do a bunch of other imaging. When I learned what he thought could be going on, I read about the conditions. The treatment for those of which treatments even exist, is a very expensive (equivalent to several months of my take home income), invasive surgery with long recovery time. Complications always possible with such a procedure. You then have to do long term physical therapy to the cat. I am sure the cat in question would be miserable about all of this. And after all that, the chances that it will actually solve the problem are less than 50%. So therefore we elected to stop investigating.


What the fuck the video starts there are 2 people squaring off. Zero mention of what happened prior or any curiosity. I see no reason to assume the man pictured was the agressor. What about the other guy?


Anyone running this kind of thing?


Maybe you could get a transluscent replacement ball. To get the full rgb experience. I am pretty sure the tracking can work with that?


I have the impression these are basically disposable. However logitec recently has created some relationship with ifixit so perhaps there is some chance to salvage them. Especially if you have a bunch of differently-broken devices hanging around.


The tiny bearing do not inspire confidence in me. I am always picturing something a bit more substantial.


my thumb started to hurt after a few months of thumb trackball. I also found it more annoying for precision. With the larger-sized ball in this location I can use index middle and/or ring fingers. To me this is preferable. Other shapes like slimblade let the thumb do even less work.

OTOH if it aint broke dont fix it!


Well just about every modern track ball has a wireless version and some (like this one) are only wireless. Not sure what naivite has to do with it but I guess other people have different usecases than you do. I use wireless because I like to go use a laptop somewhere like a couch or outside, and a wire gets in the way, and because my desktop is placed on a shelf above the desk. To use a wired mouse with desktop I have to run a USB extension. Also people use wireless pointing device with mobile, or TV or others. You can switch between multiple devices with the button so you can easily share if you want. And if you are using bluethooth you don’t need to occupy a usb port, which are not unlimited.

That all said I would like it if more wired/wireless trackballs had the option of connecting via USB C cable instead of built-in cable, like how some keyboards are. That gives you the option of using a shorter or longer cable, makes switching devices easier because you can unplug at the mouse end rather than the computer end, thereby mitigating some of the reasons listed above for wireless. I loooove USB C kbs. Will never get a built in wired one again.


Cool comparison! I like the … 8? buttons on the HUGE. Are you able to use them all easily? I have a non-huge deft I don’t find the tracking better and the scrollwheel SUCKS. In my whole life of using shitty $7 mice I never met such a bad scroller. Does it work normally on the huge model?
