My brain went “Firefox has what 7% market share? What’s 50% of that?? Actually, that probably is 4x the ‘Fediverse’ user total right there”
My mind boggles. Also, I’m curious to have a listen. 👀
Also, 99 😱
checks c
Oh shit! subscribed
That’s the Curiosity/Perseverance rovers. The second generation Spirit/Opportunity are much smaller. Spirit is to the upper left.
I read he and they has “variables” in the programming sense. Not the “h” “e” sense
Story still pisses me off to the day I heard about it.
TL,DR: in the dead of night bulldozers physically tore up portions of runway. Standing 50+ airplanes. FAA approved using taxiway to evacuate
It just the other guy is a giant
The insane thing to me is that even if MediaWiki shut down completely with no warning, I bet we wouldn’t lose anything. We got people backing it up instantly
That’s why I choose carefully
It’s a meme, but it’s also a banger