I feel like what would even be better is to have something like this integrated into the app, in order to, wait for it, sync accounts with each other. It might just be a simple functionality where subs on each account are being thrown into one file that then can be applied to all the accounts.
But that’s future talk I think.
Go to “Tablet”, remove “dual pane view”.
I for one want the different thing, where I only have one column with small cards :(
I have no idea how I survived the last 2 months without this, but my god is it beautiful to have you back, my beloved sync <3
based guardian article, although some section about the animal slaughtering in the meat industry and its effects and massive impact into climate change was kinda missing imo
Meine auch, aber hab die erst frisch gekauft. Ich glaub das hört iwann auf wenn die bisschen eingelaufen sind
It might be imposter syndrome, now that you mention it… Funnily enough, with my bottom done 4 years ago, I also feel completely happy with my transistion and I honestly don’t even feel dysphoria anymore (except for rare instances), but yeah… this issue persists.
It kinda feels like entering these spaces makes me realize just where the differences between me as a trans woman and cis women are, those small little things that transition can’t easily or properly fix