

27 posts • 30 comments

I’m a Data Scientist 🧑🏻‍💻, driven to create love as inspired by my God & my Autistic Brother 💙, and I’m way too caffeinated 🤪

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I’m a kid of the 90s so there is a profuse amount of biased nostalgia when I say this:

Legends of the Hidden Temple


I think in addition to the other points on this page, the thing that keeps coming to me is because I think deep down inside, Biden knows where the fault is.

The Supreme Court’s primary role is to decipher existing laws, existing precedent, and figure out how it should be interpreted in a different era. Yes, I know due to how politicalized everything is, sometimes questionable outcomes come from the Supreme Court. But at the core, their job is to interpret existing law and precedent.

Congress’ role is to actually pass new laws for a new era. It can be argued, they’ve done a terrible job at that because they’re busy trying to appease their base. Because they’re so divided, very little acts, with any substance, are being passed at the federal level.

Expanding the court might result in the outcome you want today, it may not result in the outcome you want tomorrow.

But expanding the court also continues to give Congress a way out of making tricky compromises and laws, so they can continue fundraising on outrage, and yet do very little about things by blaming the other side.


I’m sorry that happened to you, that sucks.

But I also think it’s statistically unlikely any other bank would have done any better in that situation given other experiences posted on the web.


It sucks to type that because I’m all for helping young adults get higher education. But I do agree with the court, it can’t be at the expense of executive orders because then we’ll be on a crazy hamster wheel with every president. Congress needs to do their dang job and create a college bill that everyone dislikes and likes.


If this were to happen, less stores expect AmEx so it’s possible your card will be less usable at the places you frequent.


For those who didn’t read the article, important note.

The valuation decrease was as of May 31.

It wasn’t even after the Reddit apocalypse! What is going to happen next?


I think that’s a fair take that’s likely to happen. It really depends now on what Reddit does to try to normalize things or blow things up more. I think if they try to just rebuild relationships with their new group of users, they may survive.

But they also seem equally as likely to find a new way to screw themselves over…


Disclaimer: I’ll be honest, I haven’t read the exact mechanics of the student loan ramp plan that Biden proposed, so there might be something else to the plan that overrides my thoughts.

But in general, if you are accruing interest on the loan but aren’t dinged, you have to consider the impacts of compounding interest.

  • If you have a $100 loan (just to keep the numbers simple) with a 3.4% APY, that’s $103.4 for the year.
  • Next year, it’s not $103.4 again. It’s $103.4 with another 3.4% APY. That makes your second year payment to $106.9 for the year, which is a 6.9% increase over your first year…
  • The year after that, it’s $110.5 for your third year, which is a 10.5% increase from your original loan.
  • The year after that, it’s $114.2 for your fourth year, which is a 14.2% increase from your original loan.

Note that this is not a linear growth – it’s not 3.4 + 3.4 = 6.8%. It’s exponential the longer you don’t pay for that first year because you’re now not just covering the principal (the base cost) but also the interest that was applied on top of that principal, compounded year-after-year.

All that to say, so long as interest is accruing, it’s almost always a smart idea to pay any loan off. However you are right, that due to inflation, it’s possible High Interest Savings Accounts can accrue interest greater than 3.4% so you may come out ahead. But be sure to run those numbers out for real with respect to compounding interest – don’t just think “Wow 3.4% is less than 4.5% interest in my savings account!”. Make sure you will come out ahead, make sure your loan lets you pre-pay with a larger payment at the end of this 12 month grace period, etc.

But just double check your math and be sure things will turn out the way you do.


TestFlight is full so there’s no way until the app is formally released


That’s fair enough. The only caveat I’d make is… don’t you use that extra money you’re not using to buy more things, subscribe in more things, or do more things. Whatever money you’re choosing to not use towards your loan should go for savings type purposes.

A lifetime of solid financial choices always begins right now, everyday, for you and I. Don’t cut corners now, be responsible. 🙂
