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Only people I ever have a problem with are Project Managers. I have had way more bad experiences with utterly psychotic PMs than PMs who are actually good at their job. Everybody else is super cool, but I swear all of you are alcoholics. At least Sales pays for the drinks?


Wait, the new UI I got yesterday? With the servers and messages finally finally separated? I like it personally. I struggle to find my DMs on the desktop app vs servers and never found the overall UI intuitive. I am usually the first to get upset over UI changes (looking at you Google Messages!), but for once I am happy.


Please don’t suggest this, but I entirely appreciate you are trying to help. Bouncing around on random medications is a nightmare, especially when you have been on a medication that works for you. I am pretty sure most people who are experiencing shortage issues are abundantly aware that there are “potential” alternatives, but why the hell do we have to be punished in the first place? To make matters worse, certain manufacturers make the drug differently enough to have wildly different side effects. Super not fun. I still don’t think I can get the generic I was on before that didn’t mess with me.

I got lucky and found that I was able to get name brand a lot easier than generic, and the side effects were way better. I am thankful I can afford it, but a lot of people can’t. Getting your medications right, period, is unbelievably stressful, especially when you are on more than one. Things don’t always play nice.


Everyone who works in any kind of hazardous environment should watch this. Don’t shake hands with danger folks. You have the right to refuse to do something you feel unsafe doing. Your life and limb are not worth it. Take your safety protocols seriously and don’t let stupid people teach you to be complacent. Call out others. Turn those assholes in to OSHA, underfunded as they are.



Couple things. Fall prevention training. Part of that is knowing how to rescue yourself if you do fall, what to do if your only option is to wait for help, and how to help someone else. There are training sites that will push you off a wall…

Fall arrest systems are meant to save your life when you fall. You don’t hang in the air with them all day. That is a different type of harness. If you fall, you can’t just get up and continue like nothing happened. Fall arrest part of the harness has to be replaced. The rest of the harness has to be fully inspected, if not replaced as well.

Hanging in a harness can kill you as the straps will cut off the circulation in your legs. To prevent that, there are these little pouches on a line that you can deploy from your harness that are basically stirrups. You can put your feet in them and “stand” up while waiting for rescue. If someone is in a harness and unable to rescue themselves, this becomes problematic. Gravity is a bitch and waits for nobody.

I figure it is just a display, but I guess they could go through the effort of shoving people off. Probably safer than the plane. Especially when you are responsible for inspecting your own safety equipment every single time you use it.


This is so damn wholesome. Thank you fellow humans for helping this person and even offering to pay. Why I am cutting onions this early in the day is a mystery.


Transcription for the blind: Screenshot of a Twitter post from Elon Musk, Twitter handle @elonmusk, that says:

To address extreme levels of data scraping & system manipulation, we’ve applied the following temporary limits:

  • Verified accounts are limited to reading 6000 posts/day
  • Unverified accounts to 600 posts/day
  • New unverified accounts to 300/day

1:01 PM Jul 1, 2023 3.6M Views

-Transcription from a human volunteer. Let me know how I can do better.


I was curious as I couldn’t help but laugh, but damn dude. That is rough. Hilarious looking at it now, but I feel bad for whomever was at the receiving end.

Of course, I’d also suggest that whoever was the genius who thought it was a good idea to read things ONE FUCKING BYTE AT A TIME with system calls for each byte should be retroactively aborted. Who the fuck does idiotic things like that? How did they not die as babies, considering that they were likely too stupid to find a tit to suck on?


Transcription for the blind: Storefront with two paper signs taped to the window. Left sign says "Since the supreme court had ruled that businesses can discriminate…NO SALES TO TRUMP SUPPORTERS. Right sign says “We only sell to churches that fly the pride flag” and has an illustrated image of a pride flag and a church.

-Transcription done by a human volunteer. Let me know how I can do better.
