According to my father, who lives within earshot of a pickleball court, the game is terrible for the mental health of innocence bystanders… Due to the noise made by the oversized ping pong paddles.
Great article and something I suspected for several years now. I’ve been inside a food processing plant before (they made sauces for fast food restaurants) and it amazed me how the employees even talked about yhe products they produced. No longer were these food stuffs but instead formulaic cocktails of hand picked ingredients designed to maximize profits. There was no concern whatsoever about the health efrects of the emulsifiers used, or how breaking a natural food into it reapective components and reassembling only the parts you wanted to create a frankenfood.
I’m glad our society is finally waking up and seeing what these monsters are doing to us. I truely hope that we can reign in this nonsense before anyone else gets hurt
I just wish it happened before this shit food likely gave me an autoimmune disease.
That’s really neat, I never knew they came in a fireless version. Fireless Locomotive