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I wonder how many of those are gaming on both Steam Deck and desktop Linux versus how many have a windows PC and use Steam Deck


I alternate between a PS4 controller and Switch Pro controller. Overall I think the PS4 controller is more comfortable and the touchpad on it is really convenient for using as a mouse.


Sennheiser HD 599 Have had em for a couple years, they were my first proper open back headphones and I’ve fallen in love with them


I used this Photoshop CC installer a couple months ago for v21.2.4 and it got Photoshop installed & running but I personally experienced a lot of bugginess with the UI.

Could be because I’m on Wayland, hadn’t tried it on X11 myself. Seems like it worked decently for some other users.

Aside from that installer, though, modern Adobe products tend to be a huge pain to even get running. If Linux alternatives don’t cut it for your use case then you might just have to dualboot Windows for those apps to have them fully usable unfortunately.


See if you can run off a live USB instead of in a VM if you’re testing for performance. VM is likely gonna perform worse than if you were to install it on your hardware. Usually when you make a USB installer for a distro you can boot to it and use the desktop like normal off the USB rather than running the install.


It’s been a beautiful thing to see. IIRC Proton was announced and usable sometime in 2018. Things were still rough then but it was a good sign.

When DOOM Eternal dropped it didn’t work for a while and I’d refresh the GitHub issue page daily until one day it was fixed and has worked perfectly ever since.

Apex Legends was one of the only things keeping me dualbooting Windows, then February last year it comes out that Apex added Proton compatibility for EAC thanks to the work Valve did behind the scenes collaborating with anti-cheat developers, so I nuked my Windows partition and haven’t looked back.

We’ve had some crazy momentum over the past few years and it seems things keep improving a step up every few months. Not to mention projects like GloriousEggroll’s proton that has consistently been offering patches to fix certain games earlier than they’re released with Valve’s upstram Proton Expiremental.

Id periodically gone full-time Linux on and off over the past 6 or 7 years and it was always gaming that pulled me back. Now it’s been a good 4 years aside from dualbooting for Apex and with that out of the way I haven’t really had a need to touch Windows at all since. This is truly the best time so far to be gaming on Linux :D


Yeah the whole EA App thing is so frustrating. When it was still Origin I had issues here and there but nowadays if I don’t play Battlefield 4 for a while it just won’t launch until I reinstall the EA App smh


Haha forreal, my Steam Deck is the primary thing getting me to play through my backlog of single player games. Spent the past 2 weeks playing a ton of Yakuza 0 and will now probably go back and play the rest of the series in order on this thing. What a beautiful device


Yeah people definitely go overboard with that. I think the only real problem is that Arch-based distros might be using other repositories and not be completely sync’d with Arch itself so then users will go to Arch support forums or communities with problems that don’t affect vanilla arch. But I’ve never really cared when people using derivatives claim they’re on an Arch system.

Installing isn’t even as big of an undertaking these days too, so it’s less of an achievement then people would like to think. Last time I did a clean install on my laptop I just ran the ‘arch-install’ script included on the vanilla ISO and it was super easy, lets you choose where you want it installed, pick from a list of desktop environments, and you pick between alternatives for other common packages then you’re good to go without having to do much manual work during the install itself.


I think my pipeline was like Ubuntu > Kubuntu > Linux Mint > ElementaryOS (briefly) > Manjaro > Arch

I never pushed past into the Gentoo rabbit hole but i think settling on Arch has been the best move for my own setup.

Still tempted to try out Nix in the near future, the reproducibility of it just seems so nice to have as I usually forget to document changes I make and have to relearn some stuff when I do a clean Arch install somewhere.
