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Also, the whole reason he’s complaining about comedy being destroyed is that he hasn’t been relevant in over 25 years. So even ignoring everything, he’s some boring old dude that hasn’t been that relevant the entire life of most of the graduates. They selected someone that the staff might be impressed by, but not someone that is vaguely interesting for the actual graduates.


To offer my trivial little analysis:

The GOP has happily made themselves into the Trumpism party even in elections where Trump isn’t even running.

Those hard core Trump supporters are only interested in Trump himself (just like Trump is only interested in himself), and aren’t as likely to bother if he isn’t personally involved. To all but the Trump die hards, Trump is odious and that stink has rubbed off to make his detractors very active to fight the GOP at large.

I fear that next year Trump will bolster GOP votes with his fanatics.


A company offered me a million dollars to work for them, but then I remembered the ping pong table at my current employer and said no way. Totally worth it.


I’ve been sick of him from the first moment I met an adherent. I mentioned how I like to avoid debt and pay it down early and the person said “Oh, so you listen to Dave Ramsey?” I confessed to having no idea who they were talking about, and they swore that I was being obtuse because I couldn’t have come up with “interest sucks” on my own.


We had a big mandatory meeting where an executive came in to tell us all to be happy we weren’t getting our bonuses or pay raises, and used a weird analogy about poor people being perfectly happy, because they have realistic expectations and that’s all you need to be happy.

He then had to leave early, as he quipped he was sharing a ride with a fellow executive on the private jet, and if he didn’t leave right then, he’d have to suffer flying commercial.


At my house we mock the dogs for freaking out over the doorbell. “Yeah, a malicious person is going to bother ringing the doorbell”

This guy is on the level of our dogs.


Sadly, there often comes a time when a critical mass of the business leaders decide “you know what, I want to cash out and no matter how disastrous this will be long term, I think short term this will milk some revenue out of some captive audience”.

In the IT industry, that time is usually when Broadcom buys you.


Another interesting thing to consider.

To be clear, he is rich. But he’s not crazy crazy rich, like nowhere near billionaire status.

With that in mind, his kernel is a key component of RedHat’s, SuSE’s and Canonical whole business, with at least two of those being multi billion dollar businesses.

His kernel is a key component of Android phones, which represent over 50 billion a year in hardware spend, and a bunch of software money on top of that.

His kernel is foundational to most hosting/cloud services with just mind blowing billions of revenue quarterly.

It’s used in almost every embedded device on the planet, networking gear, set top boxes, thermostats, televisions, just nearly everything.

People with a fraction of that sort of relevance are billionaires several times over. A number of billionaires owe much of their success to him. Yet he is not among their numbers.

Now there’s more to things than just a kernel to be sure, but across the hundreds of billions of dollars made while running Linux, there was probably plenty of room for him to carve out a few billion for himself were he that sort of person, but he cares about the work more than gaming the dollars. I have a great deal of respect for that.

Means that while he may not always be right, but I at least believe his assessments are sincere and not trying to drive some grift or cover some insecurity about being left behind.


Frankly, people act really weird in a crisis. Like totally unexpected behaviors and fixations on stuff you’d think you wouldn’t think about. Basically people tend to kind of short circuit when faced with an unfamiliar, panic situation. If people were acting particularly weird before the first shot, that would be suspicious. But once shots are fired, all bets are off for “weird” reactions. Haven’t been in a shooting event, but have seen people react to other traumatic stuff and it’s all over the place.


How about when a republican Tweeted:

"Bummed to learn that @deesnider, the man with the perfect song written decades ago about the attack on traditional, conservative American values… “We’re Not Gonna Take It” is riding the train in the wrong direction. How could it be that he sang for us but now fights for them?

And Dee Snider:

You think i wrote a song in support of “traditional American values”? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! You funny.
