syscall -> asm -> page_fault
This a native machine code execution that crashed in your system. Could be an instruction that your CPU doesn’t understand (because the instruction is newer than your CPU, example: AVX512), or because your hardware returns an error when this instruction is executed (RAM issues?). Too difficult for me to understand this ASM crash.
A full price release for the first milestone, and because it is a Kickstarter, without any guarantee. I’m sure that the Patapon fans will be happy, at least.
I didn’t try yet: https://www.cmcrossroads.com/article/gnu-make-escaping-walk-wild-side
colon := :
$(colon) := :
url := https$(:)//something
I didn’t try yet: https://www.cmcrossroads.com/article/gnu-make-escaping-walk-wild-side
colon := :
$(colon) := :
url := https$(:)//something
Caution disabling mitigations. Only enable on air-gap devices (devices without any connection, airplane mode).
Hehe. Or they could send a 0 to your fan velocity. Or flash/lock (setting the flash bit to 0) your BIOS through ACPI calls. Even stolen your Steam token credential. I saw an example that runs commands as a Systemd volatile user service. There are a few POCs on GitHub about recovery passwords from the browser (sand-boxed environment) for generic environments. I think that everyone here is old enough to understand the consequences of our acts.
Developed by Saber Interactive. Caution.
Maybe this functionality was replaced by the next thing?
Automatic root filesystem soft-reboot: systemctl automatically reboots into a new root filesystem located at /run/nextroot/.
- Factorio (currently best management)
- Satisfactory (cozy Factorio)
- Captain of Industry (try this one)