Da weder Artikel noch Archiv Seite laden kann ich nur vom Titel ausgehen. Automatisch sind verarbeitete Lebensmittel nicht ungesund…. Allerdings wenn man sich mal die Inhaltsangaben auch von den Produkten anschaut, außerhalb des Bereichs der „Fleisch-Ersatz-Produkte“, dann bekommt man schnell keine Lust drauf. Gerade Sendungen wie z.B. besseresser mit Sebastian Lege machen aufmerksam wie viel getrickst wird. Warum dann sollte ich dann einem Lebensmittelverarbeitendem Unternehmen trauen?
New Features:
- All new UI to make using Warehouse’s features easier
- UI now better adapts to larger window sizes
- UI now better adapts to smaller window sizes
- Improved UI for installing packages from remotes
- Snapshots can be given names
- Packages can be reinstalled with a few clicks
- User Data can now be sorted in multiple ways
- Active User Data can be browsed just as easily as leftover User Data
- Custom installation locations are now supported
- Leftover Snapshots are now shown
- Apps can be reinstalled from leftover Snapshots
- Installation location of disabled remotes is now shown
- Packages list filter options are now easier to understand, and more predictable with how they are applied
- Improved keyboard shortcuts for quick navigation
- The Downgrades (renamed to Change Version) interface now shows the currently installed version
- Long running processes now have progress bars and can be canceled
- Better status icons for End of Life, Masked, and Pinned packages
- Warehouse no longer disables closing its window when long running processes are happening
- Refreshing now shows a loading animation
Bug Fixes and Performance Improvements:
- Warehouse is now faster to open
- Getting system information is now faster
- Long running processes no longer freeze the app
- Refreshing is no longer possible when long running processes are happening
Are you loosing the mounts after a reboot? As in, are you mounting via /etc/fstab?
There goes another wiki to die …
Are you running these llms in containers completely cut off from the internet? My understanding was that the “local first” llms aren’t truly offline and only try and answer base queries offline before contacting their provider for support. This invalidating the privacy argument.