Queer and here
I have faced similar things when i was doing my masters !
Since they believe that they are the landlord and you are a tenant using their product so … !
India is soon bringing similar laws too 🥵
I wonder why would a person keep a rich persons interest over their own ? Free or affordable healthcare and college would be such a great help , and while the planet can support food and housing for all , many are deliberately kept hungry and homeless and that is rooted in corporate greed most of the times . Gulliblity at another level!
We have decided that if we were to spend over ¥700,000 per month that it would be better if this money could go to developing our NERV app and strengthening our ActivityPub servers instead of X’s API. Therefore, we are beginning to cut down on our posts on X.
- musky boi making activityPub famous ?