KBSez ✅
I’m K.B. and I’ve got a lot to say. Used to be on that thing called twitter… Entertainment-Technology-Politics-Whatever-Probably #StarTrek, #DoctorWho, #Stargirl, Video Production Too
Thanks @StillPaisleyCat !!
Who wrote the novelization?
If this fellowship Chapel is talking about is the one where she meets Kirby… yeah. A two month romance leading to engagement.
Interesting. Yes, it has to be on purpose.
I had forgotten the Korby/Chapel timeline and had to look up the details.
#SNW ‘The Broken Circle’ takes place somewhere in 2260.
Korby disappeared around 2261 at which time he was engaged to Chapel who had been his student at some point. (the archeological medicine fellowship?)
The #TOS ep ‘What Are Little Girls Made Of’ takes place in 2266.
Damn… I’m going to need some sort of flow chart soon.
In the end of Quality Of Mercy when he comes to Pike’s cabin that Jim Kirk mentioned Iowa but the question is: was that still the alternate fated timeline or the ‘real’ SNW timeline. I think the former since Pike says something along the lines of “it should have been you…”
I’ve always taken this to mean that Pike and Jim Kirk have never actually met yet—
Unfortunately I think your initial comment is a spoiler for me.