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kneelknee 🐖
4 posts • 49 comments
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Go back to whence you came

Question: is “to whence” allowed/correct? I thought “whence” always goes with “from”?


I also don’t mind the pinned posts. I like to know if anything new is going on, and it’s pretty easy to just scroll past them when there isn’t. If these pinned posts do get unpinned after a certain amount of time, I’d prefer a little longer (maybe 48 hours?)


Wow, the amount of users has more than doubled in the past week! Is it possible to track the amount of active users? I can’t help but wonder if some people will eventually migrate back to Reddit as time goes on.


Are you immediately running into battles or are you taking the time to examine the environment and enemies before initiating battles? Obviously it’s not always possible, but I usually spend a few minutes to plan some things before starting a fight.

I look at the environment to see if there are any items I can use to my advantage (barrels, chasms, etc.) or any optimal places to position my people (e.g., up high and out of sight for my rogue).

I also examine the enemies before hand to look at their strengths and weaknesses, and I change out my prepared spells accordingly.

In a game with dice rolls, it’s inevitable that some things will come down to luck. But I do think there’s still a lot of “tactical” planning to be had both during the battles but even before the fight starts as well.


Apparently I’m the odd one out here, lol. I wash most of my fruit with soap and water – can’t say I’ve ever had any issues.


For myself, I will say that I have had an absolute blast so far. It’s been so long since I’ve been this obsessed with a game; I can’t remember the last time I’ve sacrificed this much sleep just to squeeze in some more game time. The combat and the different ways you can approach a fight, the different ways you can solve/skip a quest, and the different ways you can respond to companions and NPCs – all of it has lived up to my high expectations so far.

That said, I do think the game needs a bit more polish. My biggest complaint would be the current system for switching out party members. It is extremely tedious, and the fact that you have to do this just to access a person’s inventory exacerbates the issue. My second biggest complaint would be the inventory management; filter tabs and the ability to rename pouches/backpacks would go a long way in fixing this issue. In terms of bugs though, I have encountered very minimal bugs (although I am still only in Act 1).

But none of the flaws so far have dampened my love for this game. There’s been a hole in my heart since Dragon Age: Origins, and I was a bit skeptical when I saw some people saying that this game is the spiritual successor. But it’s true, and this game has indeed filled the hole that DA:O left behind. If Acts 2 and 3 maintain the quality of Act 1 (unfortunately Larian doesn’t have the best track record for this), then this will probably be one of my all time favorite games.


Pretty sure it is a bug

40 points

This is so stupid and I love it.
