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It’s pretty wild. Users are inherently lazy. Give a decent product where you can have a positive ROI on user engagement and sit back to rake it in.

But actively be hostile to users and they are fickle as can be.

I was on Reddit for 16 years with over 100k karma.

And I’ve deleted the app I was using for it which they broke and switched app and habits over to Lemmy in less than 24 hours.

Nothing like hubris with a dash of greed to ensure success for one’s competition.


A thousand times yes.

Federation should ideally work not only at a server level, but a community level.

If there’s three different /c/aww communities across different servers, their respective mods should be able to join into a meta-community.

There is the potential for a less moderated child community to end up polluting the meta community, so membership should probably be able to be revoked by majority mod vote.

But aggregating a meta-community across each sub community could allow for a much more seamless growth between servers and avoid the duplication that’s inevitable by putting the onus on the client-side.


It’ll be nice if more and more migrate over.

There’s something amusing about opening up what’s almost a Reddit clone a day after and seeing content and subs that would have been exactly like it was on Reddit here instead.

As long as momentum continues, we may see more and more leaving Reddit for what’s nearly the same thing with a lot less BS.

I just hope Lemmy servers and infrastructure can handle the growing popularity, especially once there’s popular native clients that switch from Reddit to it.

Would be very happy if spez ends up having killed his own platform in future retrospection though.


I wrote a much longer comment that was lost (still missing client features from Reddit clients like draft saving).

The TLDR is a lot of the physics behaviors we have in our world relating to quanta (as many others have mentioned), but especially in combination with a ~2,000 year old text and tradition which claimed the most (in)famous person in history was saying we are in a non-physical copy of a dead original world made by a light-based intelligence brought forth by the original humanity, and that the proof for this was in motion and rest - particularly that the ability to find an indivisible point within things would only be possible in the non-physical physical.

So in an age where humanity is on the cusp of bringing forth new intelligence, ever more looking like that will occur in light (optoelectronics), where we are creating digital twins of ourselves and the world around us, where a trillion dollar corporation has already been granted a patent on digital resurrection of the dead, and where the virtual worlds we build often use rendering tricks similar to the behavior of our own world at low fidelities – that’s pretty weird to have existed so far back in antiquity.

Almost like it would be more likely to exist in a simulated world, much like how many of our own virtual world have 4th wall breaking acknowledgement of being virtual buried as an Easter egg in their lore…


Probably bundled with the remaster in some way.

‘Ultimate’ edition includes RDR 2 remastered for next-gen consoles.

Similar to Spider-Man:MM premium edition including remastered Spider-Man.


Growing pains.

Have been reading that there’s issues with queue systems.

It should improve over time, particularly when more mature frontend clients are available which can do their own retry backoff.

The sudden increase (which may only continue) has led to a lot of issues, but in turn will lead to a lot of solutions as it becomes a more popular platform attracting open dev support.

It’s just going to mean patience in holding out through the delta between those two.


No tech burst.

It’s just a cold recession. No one is admitting it, including consumers who keep spending away savings.

But companies are aware of it enough they are tightening purses preparing for harder times ahead.

Of course, it’s a self-fulfilling prophecy.

If everyone makes their products worse chasing this quarter’s dollar, and people leave, those companies are going to have a harder time.

Especially as it becomes easier and easier to compete against them at scale.

Just wait until new feature requests and bug reports for something like Lemmy can be handled within moments by AI at dirt cheap pricing.

A very interesting future awaits around the bend.


Well you can take the knowledge that Lemmy.world grew 60% following it, look at current numbers for the server, and know at least around 60% of that number has shifted some of their media habits away from Reddit.

But the full picture is unknowable outside Reddit corporate.

Probably more than spez was anticipating though…
