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Is this a remake of Blackadder II…?

From the picture this looks like a remake of Blackadder II.

Queenie and Nursie look good, but who’s playing Baldrick’s turnip…?


Eh, some big instances like .world or .ml are absolute cesspools, but many of the smaller ones are fine. 🤷‍♂️


We’re on a thread about whether certain pictures should be marked “NSFW” or not.

A subject on which, as is both obvious to anyone who doesn’t have their head up their own arse and evidenced by this very same thread, no agreement is possible. An objective demonstration of why this tagging nonsense not only doesn’t work, but can’t possibly ever work.

You might as well be discussing about whether it’s better to use the western horoscope or the Chinese one to decide which threads are “suitable for work”.

And I’m sorry, but this kind of wilful stupidly just fucking irks me to no end.


We’re in a fucking thread discussing whether certain drawings should or should not be “NSFW” (an entirely subjective question on which, obviously, no consensus can possibly be reached).

Y’all ain’t managing anything, fine or otherwise.


I’ve had those disabled since the minute I got on lemmy, I just can’t abide censorship or, more importantly, wilful stupidly.


NSFW tags aren’t a way to curate one’s feed, they’re a waste of time.

What you consider suitable will vary depending on where you are and what time it is, and might be completely different than what other users consider suitable.

You want to curate your feeds?

You can have multiple accounts, in multiple instances.

You can subscribe to suitable communities and only browse ones you’re subscribed to.

You can block users, communities, and instances.

Most importantly, you can decide what to browse and when, and wait to browse feeds which might contain something unsuitable for your current circumstances until those circumstances have changed.

Can these tools be improved…? Sure!

Give me a way to choose between different sets of subscribed and I won’t need to have multiple accounts, for instance.

Hell, this might be one of the few situations in which current “AI” models could actually be useful… just have one trained on what you don’t want to see at specific times and places and use it as a browser extension to prevent you from seeing that content.

But tags aren’t going to help with that, because they’re entirely subjective, and only you know what you want tagged or not, and if you have to tag it yourself it’s already too late, you’ve already seen it (and so has your company’s firewall).


It’s a fucking waste of everyone’s time, is what it is.

The definition of “safe for work” is entirely subjective and will vary from one user, place, and time to another.

The only ones with the information to decide whether to tag something as suitable or not are the users, and even our own opinion on what is and isn’t suitable will depend on where we are and what time it is.

There is no possible objective consensus on what to tag or not, and there can’t be, so tagging will never work for the vast majority of users.

Do you know what does work, though, with 0% chance of failure…?

If you aren’t 100% sure that a site won’t contain anything unsuitable for your current environment… DON’T FUCKING BROWSE IT!

It’s that easy! No tagging needed, no censorship, no nothing. No need to bother anyone else or demand of them to do the impossible and predict what you will consider suitable or not at a certain point in space and time.

Just have some patience, exercise some fucking self control and personal responsibility, and wait until you’re in a suitable place and time to browse the fucking site!


A play on words, a mixed metaphor combining “rocket science” and “brain surgery”, both of which are colloquially used to refer to something very difficult. Therefore, saying that something “is not rocket surgery” is meant to imply that said thing is rather easy to do, and doesn’t require any specialized learning or training.

In any case, it shouldn’t be rocket surgery to understand the meaning here by the context alone even if you’ve never heard the phrases “it’s not rocket science” or “it’s not brain surgery”, but since we seem to be dealing with people, for lack of a better term, incapable of understanding the extremely simple concept of not browsing sites which might contain content unsuitable for work while at work, maybe it turns out that it is in fact as hard as rocket surgery for you lot, but in that case you should be asking your legal guardians, not random strangers on the internet.


Again: No one is forcing you to use the damn site at work. You know the site might have content unsuitable for your work, therefore you should know you shouldn’t be browsing it at work. You can wait and do something else. Anything else. That’s all the control you need.

And if you are unable to have this minimum amount of self control, then any consequences you suffer are entirely your fault and no one else’s. Don’t try to blame other people for your shortcomings.

news sites and broadcasters wouldn’t get in trouble for what they show

What in fuck’s name are you talking about? Other than probably you for being unable to stop browsing unsuitable content at work, who the fuck is getting in trouble?


Hey, that’s a perfectly fine beaver, I’ll have you know. Don’t you go besmirching it!
