

11 posts • 25 comments

Creator of Mullem - a Firefox Add On to create and manage combined feeds for multiple Lemmy communities across any Lemmy instances.

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Is u/spez a dick? Yes.

Did he used to mod r/jailbait? Not really. This happened back when any mod could auto add any other user as a mod without them having to self-approve. IIRC he removed himself not long after a screenie was taken and became aware it had happened.

Let’s not dilute his actual assholery with fake assholery.


The Meta Plan:

  1. We’re going to use ActivityPub because we love the Fediverse!!!
  2. Now we’re live, here’s some improvements to AP, now they’re not standard but we’re working closely with the AP guys. It would help if you all pleaded with them to accept these changes- they’re just to make things better!
  3. Yay! All the changes were implemented and we’ve formed the AP Council, we might invite some of the old AP guys to it.

They’ve not taken the sub private but they have now put up a post supporting the protest and turning off all posting and commented. A bit half hearted maybe but better than nothing.


I have Ampache running on a self hosted server, which has desktop and mobile apps.


‘Better’ is relative. To me its better because no one person or group owns or controls the software. There’s no central authority. Don’t like the instance you’re on? Just move to another. Cant find an instance you like? Host your own. Don’t like the path the developers are taking? Fork the code. As long as the very core remains standard (ActivityPub), all possibilities are on.

There needs to be a return to being patient. Most fedi software is not beyond beta yet. They will develop and they will mature but right now the fediverse is a toddler learning to walk. There are issues but with time they’ll get addressed. We’ve all got so addicted to shiny cool apps and services we’ve become prepared to sacrifice our privacy, our choices and our reason at the altar of a quick dopamine hit.

There’s no big money to throw at these issues and therefore no dedicated team. This means solutions come slower. But they will come and they will be motivated by usefulness not profit. The people developing these things have lives and day jobs. Give them time.


Its convenience. 99% don’t care about anything apart from getting what they need. The blackout caused them inconvenience so its therefore annoying. Its the same attitude that can appear when workers take strike action.


Ooooh, I see - that makes perfect sense. Thanks :)


Reddit is not going to go away. And if there’s a set of tools to autoedirect/replace content to a Lemmy based community it won’t be long before its automodded and possibly even excluded server side in the reddit codebase.

They’ve said it themselves - profit is their target. They’ll do pretty much anything to prevent that being impeded.

I will have to participate on Reddit as I help mod a sub for an org that risks being misrepresented. But that’s all I’ll go for, no more participation in any other sub (unless I spot some misrepresentation of what’s happened or of the fediverse). My community is here now.

Maybe its time we just moved on from Reddit and worrying about what its done and concentrate on building the community here.


After installing the wallet from getmonero, I went to localmonero.co and located a reputable seller in my country who accepted Amazon gift cards bought with cash.

I then bought an Amazon gift card using cash and kept the reciepts.

I then, as per requirements of the seller, took photos of the gift card number and the receipts to demonstrate the date and the fact I’d paid with cash. After sending these images to my PC I edited them in gimp to remove store identifying info from the receipts image, ran both images through a metadata removal tool and initiated the trade with the seller with the images. They accepted the trade and approx 20mins later the XMR was in my wallet


Well, the issue is that although both an instance that uses Mastodon and an instance that uses Lemmy communicate using ActivityPub, the way the might choose to display the passed info is different. Lemmy for example can have longer posts than Mastodon (a micro blogging service) can handle.

There does need to be a way to handle that but I don’t think its really in place yet. Let’s not forget the fediverse is a very young thing, not all the issues are resolved yet.
