When you know that capitalism can only be maintained by injecting massive amounts directly into big companies and banks, paradoxically applying the “econ 101” logic of “if a company fails, they weren’t good enough” is the anti-capitalist move. China is letting the private sector reach its inevitable end.
Least reckless Ukraine move
Are there even small businesses there anymore? You guys look like everything belongs to a national level brand
Cmon Biden, force them to fully pivot to China!
Imo it’s going to happen
I still have hope for a secret Stalin card in the new popular front’s hand that would play but honestly that would be an absolute miracle
Problem is, the Popular Front has a big chunck that belongs to the “Socialist Party” which traumatized everyone by winning the 2014 presidency and :
- Doing a right wing budget policy
- Doing a right wing worker’s rights policy
- Doing a right wing mass surveillance policy
- Naming the biggest Zionist in town as prime minister
- Naming literally Macron minister of the economy
You can imagine how thin the ice is for this alliance
Maintenant que l’extrême droite en a fait un marche-pied, il vaut mieux qu’il se mette en retrait.
Honnêtement je pense qu’on a tendance à se faire gaslight avec l’idée que le but de la gauche c’est de prendre les voies de l’extrême droite. Les racistes vont voter pour le parti du racisme, et il y a plein de racistes en France. On devrait pas écouter ces gens