You might just live on the edge of their range or something! Here in the SE US they are abundant
I can head out to a nature trail, look off into the woods on one side, and spot 2-4 of these beauties suspended in webs from the same spot.
Only ever had one in my yard, unfortunately she chose to build a web right above the porch door and gave us quite a fright
I have recently tried bamboo underwear and I will not buy different anymore
I have no stake in the teams but you gotta love a baseball moment like that
No no, this is Twitter because this poor guy doesn’t have any coworkers left to ask.
Thank you! I did the headstock inlay from scratch, for the fingerboard I bought a set of the trapezoids and just laid them in
That’s awesome, you’ll get there! I never completed a full project like a kit but I had purchased a scrap heap that was one a guitar from eBay to practice on trying to fix it up, it definitely helps you get ready.
Definitely share some pics here when you finish the partscaster!