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Only if they are have no self esteem and need validation from strangers, upvotes are mostly fluff, downvotes when not abused are the better way of doing things

Someone says the earth is flat… downvote, someone says I wonder why they think like that let’s try and understand why they think like that doesn’t deserve a downvote, but with the current online echo chambers on both sides these are how downvotes are used


Lol so are the CEOs of all the other manufacturers people to look up to and admire? Would you buy a Volkswagen or did you own one when Martin Winterkorn was running it?

Elon is a man child, I don’t look to him for any insights or knowledge, would I buy a Tesla? Ya if the car itself is good, if it’s not good then I wouldn’t buy it. It wouldn’t have anything to do with Musk however

Who do you bank with? Do you hold those CEOs to the same standards and not use their products?

Good luck buying anything where there isn’t some ethical issues surrounding the people who are the the top of those corporations


Yeah you are right I’m not immune to our biological hardwiring it’s not a me being tough thing however, not everyone is equally affected by it.

I don’t have social media as I don’t see value in it, also if my comments get downvoted to shit or upvoted I don’t really care because these things aren’t real life to me

Even in real life if someone praises me for doing a good job it’s a nice thing to do for sure but I don’t actually care about getting praise especially from strangers, if it’s someone I know then sure


Nothing wrong with that but… again do you do that across the board all the time because if you do congrats it’s not an easy thing to accomplish

And I’m not dumb I know it doesn’t have to be an all or nothing, doing it when you can is great I just can’t stand people who pontificate about shitheads like Musk but buy all their shit from Amazon


I personally think Musk is a massive pile of garbage but that wouldn’t make me not buy a Tesla, I’ll buy it if it’s a decent car, if I had the money right now it would be between a Tesla and an Ionic

People trying to tie their purchases to the ethics of the people who run the companies are divorced from reality imo


If anyone bought a Tesla because of Musk they were idiots, so same logic applies the other way

You could argue Apple built its brand around Jobs (who died because of his moronic beliefs about natural cures) and now Cook… pretty sure Apple kowtows to Chinese censorship and also does shitty things (I’m typing this on an iPhone right now) so I’m no fan of Jobs or Cook I just don’t give a fuck about them, I bought it because it’s the best phone for me

The range issues are pretty funny, people thinking they were defective is comical, I will however point out that is nothing new all auto manufacturers have done this for the decades with fuel economy numbers, I can’t tell you how many people we would have come through the dealership complaining about fuel economy after buying a new car

As far as evaluating if a car is good or not of course you can do that, do research on reliability issues, check recalls, ask friends and family who have actually owned them if they are any good, if you have a mechanic that you know ask them


Not sure where we disagree here? You are right the jackass just can’t keep his mouth shut I don’t care what his beliefs are though, I don’t go to corporations for my ethics, I go to them because I want to buy a product


It’s less about hypocrisy and more about what’s wrong with just buying something and not having it also have to be an existential moral crisis, don’t buy a Tesla because you think Musk is a genius but if you already own one and are gonna sell it because of Musk then that’s also ridiculous, if you are looking for an electric car and strictly won’t buy it even if it’s the best option based on the money then that just seems over the top to me is all

I have a bank account yet I’m no fan of banks, I’m typing on an iPhone, apple does shitty things, I buy shit from Amazon when I have to… I despise billionaires


I can see what you are saying but that’s not a universal thing, like when it comes to Tesla I never associated that with Musk he’s just the shithead that owns it, to me it’s more about the most widely available semi affordable electric car you could buy since the legacy manufacturers dragged their asses wasting time with hydrogen and hybrids

I guess the difference I have here with people is exactly that, I don’t attach him as being Tesla

That was a good way of putting it describing it like a Harley, makes sense. I ride motorbikes and I dgaf about what brand I own, I’d ride anything including a Harley
