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Notice how what this person is saying and what they’re doing are completely at odds?

This is their playbook. Know it. Learn it. Memorize it.

Inoculate yourself.


And yet you’re still spending your limited time on Earth seemingly doing everything you can to maintain that narrative! Weird!


Boost the fuck out of this signal. We need energy for the campaign. Thank you, Chris!

For y’all who want to make sure we don’t end up in a dictatorship, the most effective way to get people to vote is for their friends to talk to them! So organize! Tell your friends in swing states to vote, but more importantly tell your friends in any state to get their friends to vote too!

If a handful of people that you talk to start organizing themselves, we can see an exponentially growing voter motivation effort! So do it!


I feel like this thread is a good argument for making chat Beehaw-only.


If you’d rather let us figure out our own elections, why are you out here building energy for the Trump campaign?



That’s because the corpo media really wants you to doubt that we’ll have this.

Quit being a debbie downer and try!


Only if you allow it.

Do you respond to some stupid political polling and scare mongering articles by insisting that Biden can’t win and demotivating Democrat voters? Or do you respond by talking to people and getting them to text their friends in swing states to tell them to vote?

Mobilize voters rather than just passively putting down your own check mark in November. Build energy for the campaign rather than diminishing it.

It’s not the fucking weather that we can’t do anything about. It’s not a hurricane. It’s human beings making a choice. Our narratives matter to that choice. It literally makes all the difference in the world.

Don’t passively assume defeat. Especially as it gets close to November. Let the media burn all their sabotaging, pro-corpo bullshit now. Let it be old news. Get inoculated against it. Then this fall, when we’re getting close, be relentless. Reach out, make connections, push that missing voter participation so it’s fresh in everyone’s minds.

We absolutely have this, but only if we put out the effort to take it.


This is just circular reporting. A bunch of outlets start pushing an opinion, so the opinion gets louder. Now the loudness of the opinion is the story.

Hey did you hear that Obama’s talking about that shit that every news outlet has been shoving down our throats multiple times per day for the past several months? Obama!

Want Trump to lose? Quit sharing this shit every five minutes and instead find an article about how much organizing voters can shake up an election.


If Warner Bros is looking for a consultant, writer, or hell, director… Reach out! xD

Let me write for Harley Quinn for a season. If you like it, we make a goofy hallucination Batman movie. What could go wrong?


This is a pretty telling question to be asking in the first place. Given the ostensibly center-left corporate media’s literal barrage of ‘Biden old’ and ‘replace Biden’ narrative over the past month or two, it’s hardly surprising that a number of Democrats think this is a good strategy. Note that they did not ask who these Democrats intend to vote for, the same way many of these stories focus on nebulous ‘approval ratings’ rather than pointed questions that might tease out who Democrats actually intend to vote for as well as whether they’re enthusiastic or simply settling.

What should be telling, however, is that Republicans want to see Biden replaced. Why?

If Biden is an old pushover with bad approval ratings… what’s the danger in letting him run? Republicans are more supportive of Biden throwing the towel in than Democrats. That doesn’t suggest to me that they’re terribly confident about Trump beating Biden.

I know why Democrats think someone else should replace Trump: because he’s absolutely terrifying. A Trump presidency with this current Supreme Court would be an absolute disaster for the fabric of every useful part of government and a gigantic win for corporate interests.

But Republicans? Why? Biden isn’t a stand-out among Democrats on his policies, he’s the mainstream. Most other Democrats would be doing the same things.

I think it’s because Biden is actually extremely likely to win.

Why start pushing stories about replacing an incumbent president after the primaries? Why not before? Because it’s too late to do it. All these stories can do now is discourage Democrats and pull Independents who are on the fence. They can’t help even if they were intended to, because it’s too late.

Ignore all this crap. Go vote in November. Get as many people as you can to vote for Biden. The rest is a distraction by the people who have the money to manufacture as many distractions as they could ever want.

Don’t get distracted.
