1 posts • 10 comments
To vpravo dole na monitore je vchod do majáku?
TrueNAS Scale looks great, but I’m scared by its memory consumption. I’m planning to have a 16GB of memory and 2TB of storage space. Maybe TrueNAS is overkill for me. I only need some space to backup my computer. However, it looks very good, and setting up RAID will be easy. Plus, applications with one click… oh, I absolutely must give it a try at least.
Bulo je na pirátskej kandidátke?
Try select “Undetermined” in language options.
Zlatý Bažant '73
Kto bude nový prezident hubárskeho klubu? Ferozkosic?
U tích väzňov si pozrite ako sa volilo v Leopoldove
I am using private DNS .