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Shooting at kabinets, chairs and vending machines to create impenetrable forts with unlimited ammo only to get zombified by another dude in the same room at the start. Wwwhhhhaaaaaaaaaaahhh


Same. I’m fine. I’m also not very obsessed about fps. As long as it’s smooth I’m good.


Dissociation and distraction by you inner conversation can look the same from the outside. I always thought that I was dissociating, because the descriptions fiit very nicely. Dissociated state is however a trauma response and the onset somewhat predictable, I lack the trauma part. (unless you subscribe to the theory of complex ptsd and adhd, but the same distinction applies nevertheless. The distracted state remains unpredictable)


This is already the defacto situation for palestine. It is already recognized by many countries. Treaties have been signed. We’ve been close to a two state solution in 2007 when PLO was in power. Hamas however is not about being at peace with the situation and aims at the dismantling of Israel. It wants an Islamic state from the east to the west. At multiple occasions has it sabotaged a two state solution through violence. Hamas is everything but stable, it is an Islamic extremist faction. The threat of hamas/isis has put religious extremist nationalist factions into power in Israel also fueled by people with a religious conviction. Just that the land of the palestinians belongs to the jews. They are not particularly interested in peaceful coexistence as seperate countries either.

I think most people have given up hope of a two state solution. It looks further away than ever.



Yeah this is just going to end up with a shrug and people calling ecology ‘not a real science’.


It’s deeply patriarchal in the sense that incels are a group of people that think women are obliged to give sex to men. This simply doesn’t work for gays, even though there are deeply misogynist gays who embraced patriarchal norms, and are maybe even sympathetic to incels.

So yes you are completely correct about the entitlement part. The entitlement is that men are entitled to sex from women. The something-something is the patriarchy and the bemoaning of a culture that is taking it away. Or giving women the freedom to pick and choose, because they will then only pick 'chads". Etc.


Nuclear missile launch button. Luckily it has a cover you have to pull first! Haha.


I think that all patriarchal models, not just male models, are disappearing and that we’re witnessing the loss of privilege. It’s not as if feminism is creating a model to be a woman, it’s the opposite it’s the destruction of the gender model.

So, I really do not believe in the idea that men need a new model. We can just tap into our humanity and be who we are, authentically. In essence abolishing gender all together. It shouldn’t be a social factor expecting/demanding you to behave a certain way.

It’s difficult to figure out the difference between being authentic and being ideologically programmed, especially when they overlap. It’s far easier to claim that true authenticity is inherent in patriarchal ideology. And that’s why incels claim the ‘old’ model is actually good.

It’s also why it’s mostly a problem for impressionable young men who lack introspection, or at least the life experience needed for it to be useful. While the removal of patriarchal ideology they are subject to haven’t really changed, male culture and tradition stand in the way of that. So on the one hand they are fully aware of what is expected for them in the male role but on the other hand society and especially women are moving away from this expectation. Depending on social factors you deal with this discrepancy differently.

If there is something lacking it is that there are very few men who stand there with open arms to catch these young men on the feminist side. We need more men that embrace feminism and guide young men with acceptance and love. And I have a theory for why but this is getting long. (feminism lifted on the back of individualism)

We can be a person without the baggage of a gender role.


Privilege is the key stone foundational to understanding what incels are trying to get. If you’re brushing it aside nothing but a superficial understanding about dating remains and becomes useless in formulating any sort of solution to the problem.

Yeah superficially incels are about dating and seducing. But this doesn’t explain anything. In fact it is what incels themselves claim the solution is, in getting better at seduction and dating. So basically your solution would be exactly the same as the incel solution. Should make you think.


This is what I mean. You’re just saying that what incels experience is a lack of love/companionship. Exactly the same thing that incels demand from women. You’re both just looking at the same solution, of how to give these boys company. That they are caught between a rock and a hard place.

But that’s exactly what the man-o-sphere is telling these people. Your analysis is no different than what Andrew tate, Jordan peterson, etc. would say. That feminism has caused a shift in society that leads to a lack of family values, commitment, common sense, etc. That the freedom women have are detrimental, because they now have the freedom to deny you that love and companionship.

What are you going to say now? Because not a word is an explicit lie here. Feminism has caused more divorce, more freedom for women, greater self worth for women, sexual freedom, higher demands on men. It’s just true. So the type of superficially gesturing at boys lacking companionship is only just helping incels into the pipeline. It means nothing, it’s not an analysis. You’re completely missing the point.
