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I use my laptop for anything that requires a real keyboard or bigger screen. Then I have my server, and my phone. So I mostly just use the laptop and the phone. I do have a dual screen phone though so that helps a bunch for multitasking.


I don’t know enough about the fediverse or Lemmy code to say how easy or hard this would be to implement but if we’re logging in with the username noogs@lemmy.noogs.me for example, it’s reasonable for the app to assume the server is located at lemmy.noogs.me and it can derive the likely URL of https://lemmy.noogs.me from that. The only case this wouldn’t work is if your instance is running on a port other than 443 because then we need some way to tell the app what the port should be.

Email (or at least Microsoft Exchange email) uses a protocol called autodiscover for this which uses DNS to tell an email client where to get connection information from, it then polls that URL for the information and configures the email client automatically. Using a similar DNS based approach may be useful as well.


My list:

  • Home assistant
  • Jellyfin
  • Lemmy
  • Lidarr
  • Pihole
  • Prowlarr
  • Radarr
  • Readarr
  • Sonarr
  • Tdarr
  • UniFi Controller
  • Windows VMs for domain, and clustered file storage.
  • Zoneminder

If you want multiple containers or VMs to have access to the data it needs to be shared from somewhere. As others have mentioned you can setup a VM to run a NAS OS like FreeNAS or just run a container with samba and pass the drive through to the container. The difference is how you access the data from the other containers and VMs. You’ll access them via samba shares as opposed to local drives.

To my knowledge two containers/VMs cannot share the same physical or virtual disks in Proxmox. I tried and had to go a different route to get what I needed.


Monday: Get kids ready for school and drop them off. Travel 45-60 minutes to work, work 9+ hours and travel back. Eat dinner and help clean up (wife cooked after she got home from work). Get kids ready for bed. Work another 3-4 hours. Sleep.

T-W: Leave for work an hour early. Work 9+ hours. Get home and help make dinner for the family if not yet made, help clean up, get kids ready for bed, work another 3-4 hours, sleep.

Thursday: Get kids ready and drop them off at school. Work from home for the day. Help make dinner. Help clean up. Get kids ready for bed. Work some more, sleep.

Friday: Get kids ready and drop them off. Travel to work and work 9+ hours. Travel home. Either get ready to go out with the wife or, if we’re staying in eat dinner and help clean up. If staying in, spend some time with the fam before sleep.

Saturday: Both wife and I are off work so we run errands, take the kids to do something fun, visit family, home projects, etc… Saturdays are busy.

Sunday: Wife is working, spend most of the day working on home projects (yard work, laundry, cleaning). Make dinner, get kids ready for bed, sleep.

Do it all over again.

Wife works in retail so does a lot of shopping for household needs and groceries throughout the week. She also cleans the house and works on home projects on her days off if she’s not running errands.


I run a supermicro chassis with 6 3TB drives in a RAID6 using a dedicated hardware RAID controller. Old school for these days but works for my needs for now. Drives were free from a buddy of mine so until they start dying or I need more space, they’ll do. Then I have two 120GB intel enterprise SSDs for running Proxmox. VMs and LXCs are all on the spinning disks which surprisingly perform well enough.


The usual go to for self hosted password managers is VaultWarden. There’s no deb or rpm package but you can get it spun up with docker pretty easily. Any reason you’re specifically looking for “included” or packaged solutions? That’s going to severely limit your options.


Daily driver here. The main dashboard page does show your most recently added media and you can also sort both movies and TV Shows by most recently added by changing the sort order. I’ve been using Jellyfin for a couple years now after I outgrew an older Kodi/MySQL setup and it does everything I need. Never even tried Plex honestly.


This is the way. I’m routed through cloudflare with private registration as well. The exposed IPs belong to Cloudflare and only they and I know where it goes after that.


I worked with a debt collection agency from an IT perspective and dealt with what I believe to be the same company. It is an industry that I never want to support again if I can avoid it. I met some good people but it’s just an unhealthy work environment overall.
