for appimage, see e.g. https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/pkgs/tools/networking/mockoon/default.nix
I’ve done some small extension development for vscode and hated it
I respect your argument
Commercial arguments are a thing, but a bit reductive no?
I meant you’re putting into practice a language/tech that has real and great demand than one that has little to none outside the specific domain of a text editor. Not that it automatically lands you money
Why so? Do you work with lisp languages? I’ve been recently fiding learning [e]lisp a con since it’s basically a domain specific language. Only Clojure has a bit of commercial opportunities, but even then it’s better to learn JavaScript/TypeScript for its greater use cases. Also, if I wanted to play with functional programming I’d go Haskell, Lean, or even Shen.