just a brazilian boy that dreams in red
This also disproves that the DPRK is a monarchy since all 3 Kims held different roles in government, and KIS and KJI’s roles were split up into smaller positions after their death.
to further demolish that monarchy nonsense, just like to point out that Korea is a confucionist country, i haven’t read much on eastern philosophy to point out how this fits but some trusty comrades said that this “succession” of the kim family is because of that, so KJU has a lot of prestige because this family also did great deeds, his great grandfather (or great great don’t remember) fought a attempt of colonization by statunians, in which he burned their ship, and there is his grandparents that doesn’t need any commentary. imho he is doing a very good job in running the country against impossible odds, not only the insane economic blockade there is also a shit load of ordnance pointed to then
that is across europe, it pains to say this but fascists are in the vanguard of nationalism this war is dragging europe to the mud, and the so called “progressives” lib lefts and moderate rights are supporting this war acritically ++ ever since the beginning of the war, people are invoking the ghost of the soviet union, saying insane shit like putin is bringing it back. and guess who had the sacred mission and destroying the soviets
chinese smartphones are very popular on brazil too, i purchased a pocophone the same price i paid on my previous piece of shit lg phone not only phone but computer parts too, many pieces of my setup is chinese, they r cheap and very good
I’m very anxious about it bcz it looks a lot like what happened in 2013 on brazil there was a wave of protests started by progressive organizations, it scaled up, then started violent repression, after that the protests grew absurdly in response to police violence, including blackblocks and people getting violent to protect themselves, but the lack of clear political agenda and the left parties being absent from it, created a void and as some people say, in politics there is not such thing as unoccupied space, since the left wasn’t there fascists took over, so what started as a progressive protest ended up as the breeding ground for fascism.
i hope the same thing doesn’t happen there, the france protests were sparked by the retirement age being pushed up, now we are seeing police violence and the protests getting more intense.
saying that there are a group of people looting and taking advantage of the actual protest.
there same bullshit that were spread here to invalidate the protests, disputes of narratives and etc…
Memorial Victims of Yogthos
“60% of the time, it works everytime”