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so, we were selling these things last winter in Germany (Netto) and the net was made of actual string, don’t ask exactly what, but it didn’t feel like nylon or any other synthetic


ok, so people who pretend like the Russians and/or Chinese being communists and justifying their fascistic imperialist actions, while going on about American imperialism as the literal sole antagonist of the universe are by definition tankies.

and the DCA are tankies, you can find it in a lot of their publications if you read them, for example, the basis for supporting the free Palestine students movement isn’t to support the Palestinian people in the creation of their own state, as a principle right of any group of peoples, but rather because they believe it would hemm in American imperialist power in the Middle East


Let me just grab the magic wand of making the majority of American voters not support Israel real quick, oh wait, that doesn’t exist now does it. along with the magic spell of remove the fascist ethno-theocrats from the Israeli government, oh wait, that ALSO doesn’t exist.

Fact is, no matter what you, or I vote, it’s not going to stop the IDF from slaughtering civilians in Gaza, but one is just tacitly accepting it, the other is demanding the IDF “finish them”.

And yes, I know what tankies are, and I know what tankie talking point sound like (because it would literally kill you to use non-tankie vernacular), I also know that like all tankies out there, you have fundamentally blinded yourself to the actions of despotic brutal dictators because you have bought into the idea that the USA is the worlds sole antagonist, the only nation with agency (for some reason) and that anything bad you hear/see about China and Russia must be anti-communist imperialist propaganda, a stance only made worse by the fact that both china and Russia are currently engaging in a literal Colonial conquest of Africa/Middle East


ah, I see where your misconceptions lie, you live in lala land, you don’t actually care, you have heard tankie shit and decided to chug until the bottle is empty, you claim trump is bad at imperialism because what? he was friends with the great people’s republic of North Korea? no, looking at trumps track records he was much more violent and brutal in his foreign policy, he aided and supported the rise of governments that make American imperialism seem benign by comparison.

and no, while there are only 2 realistic options in the American political race for president, there are a ton of ways you could actually get involved to make a difference.

then again, please enlighten me as to the post Stalinist democracies in the red fascist nations that you tankies all can’t stop boot licking for.


For whom?

better question, for who would Trump be less dangerous?

and yes, that’s the question, Trump or Biden, there is no 3ed option in America


nah, just stick to the AI-Bro and Crypto-Bro


the existence of loan words from other languages does not change the fact that English is a Creole of old German and pre-standardization French

the list of “English words of German/French origin” would comprise the effective entirety of the language, and that’s ignoring the grammar and sentence structure


you’re not very economically literate, are you? overtime pay is not taxed at the marginal tax rate, that’s not what that is.

the marginal tax rate is the maximum rate your income will end up at, that does not however mean that all your income is taxed at the rate.

as a very simplified example, assume you have the tax brackets

  • $0-$1000 is 10%
  • $1001-$2000 is 20%
  • $2001-$3000 is 30% etc…

and you earn $2500, the taxes you will pay are $1000 at 10% -> $100 the next $1000 at 20% -> $200 and the last $500 will be taxed at 30% -> $150

meaning, in this example, you are paying $450 at a marginal tax rate of 30% on $2500. now overtime can bump you up, for example, imagine you work a LOT over those 40h and earn $3200, now you’re in the next tax bracket due to your earnings.

also, the whole point is to deny all income above a certain level, or do you really think your boss deserves 3000 times your pay? because he certainly isn’t working 3000 times harder than you are.

10 points

I guess this is the part where I tell you that 90% of what you hear about the killdozer guy is complete hogwash. and a lot of the “documentaries” are about as fantasy as Harry Potter.

the man decided to live in what before was the office area of the garage he bought, was surprised when an industrial building was put up in an industrial zone (why do you think the garage was built there in the first place?) got upset that the city didn’t connect him to the sewer lines for free (it would have required installing and operating a sewage pump alongside the actual sewer lines) and was told to install a septic tank like many Americans. He was then fined for dumping his literal shit into the local water supply.

he was a petty, spiteful, greedy, deranged, vindictive and straight up evil person


two, English is a Creole of just two languages, old German, and pre-standardization French
