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The expectation is so much higher for parents now than it ever was on my parent’s generation. My parents were there, I felt loved, and they kept us alive, but they weren’t as involved in my life as I feel I have to be with my kids now. We were out playing most of the day and only saw each other in the mornings and at night alot of the time. My parents were doing whatever in the intervening hours. Getting left home alone was a common occurrence (for a few hours at a time).

Parents now though are being held to a higher standard and are even getting in trouble for things like leaving their kids unattended. That coupled with less resources and support available (time/money) and a more insidious business culture that’s trying to squeeze money from parents through their kids at every opportunity, makes it a fucking clusterfuck for parents in this day & age.

Gee, I wonder why the birthrate is going down?


It feels so Game of Thrones-ish. Democrats are going to act all high and mighty and virtuous, while Republicans are just going to be like Cersei Lannister, “Is this meant to be your shield, Lord Stark? A piece of paper?” Republicans will run them through and sleep well knowing they won, without a guilty conscience. The President should be acting now to protect the country, not waiting for the wolves to get into the hen house and then wringing their hands that there was nothing they could do about it.


+1 for Bitwarden. My Dad’s password manager actually made taking care of him in the last years of his life alot easier. I essentially had to “wind down” his life (pay bills/debts, close accounts, stop subscriptions, etc), and as his memory was going it would’ve been impossible to get that information from him. With myself too though I’ve got so many dumb accounts all over the place, having a password manager is the only thing keeping me sane half the time when having to log in to everything to pay bills and such.


I think most people who come into money probably say the same thing, but I think it probably depends on a few factors, sociability and impulsivity probably being up there. I think as your standard of living rises, it’s just going to change most people who aren’t well-grounded. Some people blow it all at once, wanting the money to change them because they weren’t happy with their life before, others change over time, but both are changed just from the experience of not having to deal with the anxiety of “survival” anymore.

When you’re not worried about making your rent/mortgage or getting all your bills paid each month, that’s just naturally going to free you up to think about other things. When barriers to life dissolve away like that, you stop having reasons to not do things what you feel like doing. “I’ve always wanted to see London/France/underpants, I should just do it,” or “I could get a nice entertainment system in the living room… and my bedroom… and the bathroom…” At some point, your standard of living is so far removed from “normal” people, that “it” has already happened, money changed you.


“Austerity” = Take money away from social programs so we can cut taxes for the rich


Kamala Harris cannot win. I hate Trump, but Kamala Harris won’t win against Trump and shouldn’t even be Biden’s VP pick in the first place.


I’ve gotten into one of those games over the past few months for the first time and I’m still not even sure why. It’s so transparent what they’re doing, trying to milk users for money with artificially ridiculous drop rates for characters and gear, and just constant grinding to get anything. I’ve stayed F2P the whole time, but it’s kinda aggravating seeing stuff essentially locked behind a paywall. And the prices are absolutely ridiculous, I can’t imagine what kind of idiots would actually buy anything at their arbitrarily inflated rates for fake, digital crap. Yet I keep playing.


Interesting idea, but that feels like it could be dangerous, given that you wouldn’t be aware of any threats until they were in there with you. Unless there’s something about the illusion that stops others from entering after you, anybody or anything could just walk in on you. Still useful if it protects from the elements I guess or if you had somebody else keeping watch outside.


Shit, and here I’ve been getting it manually the whole. Now I know.

17 points

Graphic designer (vaguely aware of typography). I’d love to see what city block they walked through, because walking through a city block mostly makes me feel annoyed at the amateur typography on display. Papyrus, Brush Script MT, Curlz, Comic Sans, and Algerian, all just out there in the wild, doing whatever the fuck they’re doing.
