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I had to read that 5 times to figure out there as a missing period between “working” and “time”.

Its still funny though. While we’re here in this comment, let me tell you some fascinating things about the B-29 you’re standing next to. Did you know that during the war…


I think this action likely lowers Hunter Biden’s chances of winning the presidency to zero for 2024. Not that Hunter Biden is even running for President, but from everything the GOP say, they certainly think he is.


“Grow up. These are my movies, not yours.”

No George, they’re Disney’s films now. You sold them. Grow up.


From the article:

As a dad, that’s very concerned about my children ....

I may disagree with it, but his kids aren’t mine, so he, as the parent, he can prevent his daughters from owning that offending clothing.

...as well as everyone else’s kids in the district,

And here’s where it goes off the rails. Why don’t you keep your own parenting in your house instead of your neighbor’s house, eh? Are you also going to decide what books other parent’s kids read? How about what religious beliefs (if any) other parent’s kids follow? None of that is your business. If other parents are okay with their kids dressing that way you shouldn’t get a say on that.


“I do not believe you can be born gay, and I do not believe homosexuality is right, though the law of this land has made it legal doesn’t mean it’s right,” Omooba wrote in the post. “I do believe that everyone sins and falls into temptation but it’s by the asking of forgiveness, repentance and the grace of God that we overcome and live how God ordained us to, which is that a man should leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife and they shall become one flesh.”

Hmm, being homophobic and trying to have a career in theater. Thats a bold move, lets see how it pays off.

After hearing testimony in 2021 that Omooba had previously told her agents that she refused to play gay roles and had not bothered to read the script for the musical version of The Color Purple before accepting the role, an employment tribunal dismissed the actor’s religious discrimination claim, The Telegraph reported.

How can you not even read the script, the book its based on, or even at the least watch the Hollywood movie for a part you’re trying to land in an acting performance?

“I have long forgiven all those who have sought to ruin my theatre career,” Omooba said in a statement following the ruling, “but the theatre world needs to be told, loud and clear, that canceling people for their Christian beliefs is illegal and wrong.”

Doesn’t look like it turned out well for her.

  • Your body is now “out of warranty”. When it breaks in a significant way, it may never get fully better. Don’t do stupid stuff that will break it in those ways.
  • If you haven’t figured out yet that you can’t drink, party, or skip sleep like you did earlier in life, learn it quick. Each of these will have a much larger impact on you.
  • If you don’t have your retirement savings on track now, you have a VERY VERY short window to correct that. Its going to be much harder now to put the money aside than it would have earlier in life, but you’re in the prime earning years of your life. I would think you will earn more now in the next 10-12 years or so than you will/would have in any 10-12 years of your life.
  • Hopefully you’ve learned by now to be comfortable with yourself in your own skin. This means not doing things/buying things to impress other people. You are who you are. This doesn’t mean stop learning or improving yourself, but nobody is going to be impressed with a 40+ year old driving an amazing car. It doesn’t matter how amazing the car is.
  • Support younger people. You didn’t get where you are on your own. You had help, advice, and your mistakes were forgiven by those older than you because of your youth. Now its your turn to do that for the younger people. You grew up seeing heroes around you. You are now the hero in a younger person’s eyes. Hold that duty sacred. Be their hero in how you act.
  • Embrace change! No, things aren’t like they used to be. No, they shouldn’t necessarily go back to those things just to make you comfortable. Its not our world anymore, it belongs to the younger generations. Understand your ways could be out-of-date or backwards. Your old ways worked for you in that old world. That old world is gone. Be part of the new. You’ll have to do this two or three more times before you die if you live into your 80s or 90s.
  • Stay fit. That doesn’t mean body builder or supermodel. It means be moderately active so that picking something up doesn’t cause a strain injury that will take you 6 months to a year to recover from. You shouldn’t be out of breath walking up stairs. If you are, make changes. You’re likely already seeing the difference in your peers with those that stayed fit vs those that didn’t. Be part of the first group, not the second. If you are in the second group, you can change to the first by taking care of your body and eating properly.
  • Make a will. You will die and there is nothing you can do to stop it. Dying without having a will makes some of your assets evaporate in probate and may mean your money/assets go to people you may not want.
  • Go to the goddamn doctor for wellness checkups! You’re entering the time of life where conditions found early are treatable. Don’t dying/become disabled because you were too lazy or afraid to go. Yes, some of the things are going to be uncomfortable, but I can tell you its much more comfortable than debilitating pain or death.

You might look at the list above and think it negative for you now. Its not at all. This is the prize for living to this age. You likely have some friend or family that died before 40. You are here to see this part of your life. Make sure you’re still here to see 50, 60, 70, with as much of your body and mind as you can.

Good luck!


The real dystopian horror is when these genetics companies start selling to insurance companies. Think about it:

“I’m sorry we aren’t covering this cancer claim with our health insurance product because you are genetically predisposed to it”

We need legislation now to prevent genetic discrimination.


Are conservatives activists so concerned with information related to living under Nazism because they don’t want young people to be able to recognize the steps if those steps occur to young people today?


Imagine you are disabled and only have the use of one finger.

How do you press “Ctrl-C, Ctrl-V”?

Stickykeys allows you to use your one functioning finger to press Ctrl then release it, then press C and release it, and you’ll have done the equivalent of pressing both at the same time.


If doctors (or pharmacists) want the choice to impose their own religion on their patients, then at minimum need need to disclose that before ever meeting a patient. Additionally it would disqualify them from accepting any patients that are subsidized with taxpayer money.

This could act like the Surgeon General’s warning on a pack of cigarettes:

WARNING: this physician acts with their own religion in mind before your well being. This could be a danger to your health.
