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Maybe thats the problem with people these days!

People only care about price so now everything is built as cheap as possible, corners cut everywhere so now everything is shit… because it needs to be cheap! It’s getting harder to find anything that seems built to last more than a year.

As scummy as Amazon might be, they’re still the only company that offers anything that resembles convenience. eBay could’ve challenged Amazon but profit over service and those in charge walking round with their head up there arse’s and now it’s a poor copy of aliexpress that seems to be 90% chinese crap in the UK! I’m not wasting an hour trawling every online store when I know Amazon has it… so what if its £3 more!

And sadly the cheap money has gone and no-one wants to offer a better Amazon because there’s money in it because… everyone wants everything cheap! 🤦‍♂️😞


Wasn’t it Plex that led to LastPass getting breached?

I mean, why isn’t everyone using open source at this point? Companies are just clamming to suck up as much money as possible from people still stupid enough not to learn from what every other company has done! 🤦‍♂️


I’d bet the whole brexit thing is a scam!

I mean even now, everyone is still fighting with each other over which way people voted but what did people expect? It was never about brexit, brexit was never going to work because politicians want everyone to bicker amongst themselves and not care about what THEY are doing and it’s worked perfectly!

Just think about it, if government really wanted it to work, they could easily have done a number of things to improve the UK, but thats not what they want!

Brexit, benefits, COVID, immigration… even religion, it’s all used to control people! The bigger question is really why tf do people keep falling for the same shit every time? Because nothing changes for the better until people wake up, work together and demand better because A.I. might still suck now, but once it improves, things are going to get so much worse!


Maybe just top calling it A.I. to begin with until it actually has ANY inteligence!

They all just take known information off the internet and regergitate it out which is has always been the problem with technology. Gargage in, Garbage out! It’s the same as Google hoovering up the internet to feed it’s shitty A.I. so how long before the stories of “A.I. poisening” costing millions because no-one knows whats going on with them and the rush to A.I. everything in a bid to decimate employee cost so the morons in charge of all this junk can buy another yacht or maybe a carbon submarine or 12 for there fake friends!

You look at the timeline and they all start off ok’ish but the more they ‘improve’ them, the worst the get! Although Google will likely dump it for another in 6 months anyway like they usually dump every other decent service they come up with!


It used to be ok a few months ago but my god, all I did the other day was scroll past train, stolen video clips and general utter shit! How anyone likes that crap is beyond me but I guess thats what happens when 90% of the population have been turned into morons!

It’s gone from slightly entertaining to TV level shittyness so ended up deleting it so now hove nothing to entertain me when on the throne! 😞


We need to move away from money incentives!

Before anyone says “oh but they need to make money…” open source has worked great for most things. All money has done is ruin everything it touches!

YouTube is full of idiots promoting their opinions or often not even opinions, just regurgitating someones else youtube video so now all we have is “omg man, like and subscribe…” 20 times an hours with about 5 minutes of anything slightly useful, if not just a full paid promotion. Not to mention most videos would be much better as a blog or actually useful wiki you can follow without trying to find something useful in a video!

If you removed all the junk from YouTube, you could probably just run off a an 8 bay NAS! 😎

I have no idea how bad any of the other social media platforms are these days since I have no friends and youtube is the one that really ****s me off these days! 🤬


I never paid much attention to AMA’s but I’m curious what the I stands for?

Idiots Ask Me Anything? :p


There was a time I used to think people like this were nuts… but the more I have to deal with the sheer incompetence of people the more I question how people are becoming such idiots! 🤔😞🤦‍♂️


“By the book…”

Yeah, lets wait and see because nothing apple touches is by anything but apples book! But then the whole USB C shambles is such a mess its hard to know if its crappy cables or companies being aholes because my ipad will charge with 1 cable, but not another, yet both charge my pixel fine.

But then i’m not spending £ks on an iPhone anymore when they seem to be following google’s book and have separate departments that never collaborate so you get garbage software! 😡


Guess i’ll just post to add to the numbers because I have nothing worthy to add! 😐
