Soldered them all, and now designed my most recent one myself.
Nocturnals were actually my first choc I knew they were coming and waited. That being said they are great, very quiet, satisfying to type on and have better tolerances than standard chocs leading to less stem wobble. Out of choc and MX ambients are genuinely one of my favourite if not favourite switch. Definitely recommend, especially if you need the silence. I work from home so that’s not an issue for me but still a nice bonus.
If you like the weight and feel of sunsets, the sunrise switches are coming soon which will be silent tactiles and is aiming for the same feel.
I may or may not like ever smaller unibody keyboards. Grumpy is next then hopefully a 26 key.
It looks like vaporware to me tbh
Hahah. Layers and combos. You can see a few people’s layouts on 30 key boards at the keymap db website. What’s even better is I actually don’t even use all the keys lol. https://keymapdb.com/