

6 posts • 15 comments

Hører til sidste halvdel af Generation-X og har siden 1981 aldrig boet i et hjem uden computer. Det blev til en hobby, til en uddannelse og endelig til en karriere.

Intereserer mig for politik og samfund, oftest med en IT-vinkel og ofte med en skeptisk vinkel.

Liberal, men ikke neoliberal med deres regnearksfetischisme.

Blevet far i en sen alder og er udiagnosticere autist.

Deltager mest med min mastodon-konto @pmakholm

Direct message

En påmindelse om at for nogle er privatliv et spørgsmål om liv og død. Her er det Familieretshuset, som burde have problemstillingen i fokus, men det kan også være andre organisationer der lemfældigt lækker oplysninger om personers opholdssted.

Husk i øvrigt at slå enhver form for Find dine venners telfon-funktion fra før du for brug for at tage på krisecenter.


Et flertal af dommerne skriver i begundelsen:

Vi finder imidlertid, at anklagemyndighedens og PET’s redegørelse for disse omstændigheder er af så generel og overordnet karakter, at den efterprøvelse fra domstolenes side, som retsplejeloven og Menneskerettighedskonventionen forudsætter, ikke er mulig.

Det vil sige at PET ikke bare kan komme til domstolene og sige “Fordi vi siger det”. De skal rent faktisk komme med en konkret redegørelse. Dette sikre at PET overholder krav om retssikkerhed og ikke bare bliver til en “stat i staten”.

  • Light: Exploding Kittens
  • Medium: Azul
  • Heavy: Spirit Island
  • Most played: No idea, as an adult it is probably still Pandemic or Flux.

That is the perfect response. You didn’t call her out for being gay. You tried to convey your experience in a way you would expect her to be able to relate to directly. Sadly, that didn’t seem to be the way she understood it.

Communication is hard.


Jeg havde en vinkel om politikere og armslængde-princippet, men den ser ikke ud til at være federeret fra Mastodon til feddit.dk.


(Jeg skruer lidt på hvordan jeg anvender Kbin/Lemmy/Mastodon og forsøger mig igen en anden gang).


Two rounds of Terraforming Mars with my wife over the weekend. Saturday just with the Prelude extension and Sunday we added the Turmoil extension.

We have played it at friends places a couple of times, but with months in-between. But finally we bought it ourselves.

Great game, but we really should play it more often.


I’m thinking games like Exploding Kittens or Fluxx. Neither requires lots of explanation and is easy to set up. For Fluxx it is even possible to join in the middle of a round, just grab three cards and look at the current rules.

Another option is The Crew, if you limit yourself to simple missions.


The Crew includes a log book where you track you progress in increasingly more complicated setups. We have played it through once for The Crew: Mission Deep Sea, but mostly we just ignore it and start at a reasonable difficulty level and increases the level once every time we win the game within a session.

6 points

Self-diagnosis is valid. If you feel alright in your current environment, but think that autism might explain some of your experiences, then I would not prioritize getting a real diagnosis.

Learn about autism and how it affects you specifically. Autism is not just a linear spectrum from “low functioning, infantile autism” to “high functioning, Asperges” as some stereotypical explanations would put it. Learning about autism in general helps, but what matters most is learning what it means to you: What you can do without getting drained, what you shouldn’t do, what kind of support that would help you.

As part of this journey you might realize something your parents does unknowingly to support you (or worse hinder you) or realize why you drifted apart from former friends. Some of this might be hard to accept, other things might be light-bulb moments, where things suddenly makes sense. Take your time.

At some point a diagnosis might be useful. Either to get the support you need from a bureaucracy or to get acceptance from your surroundings. But as long as you are alright, I would have a specific goal before seeking a diagnosis.

“If you are alright …”, I’ve said this twice. If you are experiencing stress (and not just the “I so busy…” kind), depression, or other mental issues then I would seek an evaluation for your autism. Treating mental issues as an otherwise neurotypical might do you more harm than good.

And finally, make sure you have a space where you can be you.

3 points

I should add that getting a diagnosis before being able to process having autism is valid too. But that’s not the vibe I get from Sketchpad01.

I’m all for getting a diagnosis, when it serves a goal also as part of self-realization. I’m just sad when I see diagnosis as a sort of entrance exam to the autism community.
