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I can’t say that I have. I’ve never used lidarr though so if there is an issue with that I’m not the person to ask.

I find Plex to be pretty bullet proof, and I have family scattered all over the US, and one in Europe, who all use my server and we don’t run into many issues. Very occasionally I’ll get a message something isn’t working and just restarting Plex always seems to fix it. I like self hosting but I’m not any sort of tech wizard. If it took a lot of work to maintain or had a lot of problems with multiple users I’d probably just abandon it, but I’ve been running it for the better part of 15 years now and it’s pretty solid/dummy proof in my experience.


Plexamp has completely replaced streaming services for me. Plex will now sonically scan any music you add and is able to give recommendations through Plexamp for sonically similar tracks, and also use that data to build mixes based on mood and style.

There are all sorts of auto generated mixes that Plexamp will make on it’s own based on the music you have. You can also make a playlist of say, your top 20 tracks and when the playlist ends Plexamp will just start playing songs that match the sonic theme of what you’ve been playing so far. Note that I say sonically similar rather than of a similar genre. I love this because genres are often very subjective, and while Plex does take into account the tags you’ve given things, it also will group songs based on how they actually sound. You can control how many degrees of separation too if you want to keep the theme close to your playlist or just let it wander through your collection.

For me at least, Plexamp is every bit as good as Spotify. My music collection has grown to around 20,000 tracks over the years and it’s pretty easy to get stuck on the same handful of artists. Mixes and auto playlist generation in Plexamp has helped me rediscover music I forgot I even have.


Yes, I was praising that. I may have worded it in a confusing way.


The thing that sets me off is the sort of sparkly chime in the higher frequencies of badly compressed audio. It does something bad to my brain, literally gives me unpleasant shivers. No one else I’ve asked about it hears it or has any negative reaction from it. It’s like the worst possible ASMR response or something for me. It’s caused me to become a moderate audiophile, which is endlessly mocked by the internet at large. iTunes and Spotify are mostly okay, but once I discovered you can download FLAC on Bandcamp I’ve never gone back.


What these guys don’t realize is the “value” of their website is their users content. They tend to feel like they’re the value, that they’ve done something great. You see this in both Musk and Zuck. They feel like they’re the heroes of the internet. Except what is Reddit exactly, what is it’s value? It is only the users. These guys parade around the knowledge of other people as if it’s their own value and want to become rich off it. I’m sick of this Silicon Valley bullshit, honestly. That whole mindset is toxic from start to finish. And we see the finish on all of them: screw over the people who create the content for the next round of VC cash, or IPO.

I hope Lemmy or whatever comes next can resist this culture of “burn it to the ground for the payday”.


The Witcher 3 is probably the greatest video game I’ve ever played.

The Last of Us 1 & 2 is probably the greatest video game story I’ve ever experienced.

These 3 games are something I think about in some capacity very often and are, in my mind, the benchmarks that every other game is held to.

Mass Effect and Dragon Age are my notable mentions.


Yeah, exactly this. While I’m somewhat uneasy that a huge corporation has a bunch of data on me the most they can do with it is spam me. When the government has the same data their power is orders of magnitude greater and who knows how what you may have said 10 years ago can be used against you now.

There is a reason they’re not allowed to have this data without a warrant. Just because this data is for sale doesn’t mean they suddenly have the right to it. The power of the government is too great to trust with this, and we all know it, which is why those protections exist in the first place.


Right, that was sort of the point of the post. People will complain about 30fps on console but this is the correct way to develop games.


I’d rather see consoles be limited to what they can handle than a game to be limited for everyone because of what a single console can handle.

I want this game to be huge and look beautiful. If my PC can handle 60fps I don’t want to locked to 30fps because that’s all an Xbox can handle. And if I want to play it on an Xbox I don’t want it to be a blurry mess to get 60fps, I want it to look as good as it possibly can. Especially in a game like this where the visuals do a great majority of the storytelling when it comes to exploration and finding new things.


Personally I find AdGuard (not to be confused with AdGuard Home, they are different products) to be the best adblocker out there, both for MacOS and iOS. What’s great about it on MacOS is that it’s not a browser plugin, it’s an application that runs on the Mac itself. This means you can add any app you want to be filtered, not just the browser. I use a messenger app that likes to show ads. I added it to AdGuards filter and now it’s clean.

Also with all the changes that are potentially coming to browsers (chromium) not allowing adblocking this is a future proof solution because again, it’s running at the OS level and not inside the browser. It doesn’t matter if Google tries to stop you from blocking ads because it’s all done externally from the browser where they have no control.

You can add a bunch of other features as well like advanced stealth which randomizes your browser fingerprint, helps to avoid deep packet inspection by your ISP, encrypted DNS, encrypted Client Hello (in beta currently)… it’s really the whole package. I feel like it’s worth paying for because it does much much more than a simple adblock browser extension.
