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Again, not a doc, but I doubt any internal gastrointestinal issue is going to manifest this way.

Washing it with an antifungal shampoo may help too, but it would have to be in addition to other treatments, because the OTC shampoos are pretty weak. You can get a stronger shampoo, but again it’s a prescription. When you see a doc at some point, bring a list of what you need to talk about, bc you can get the Rx for a shampoo and a cream with refills at the same time, in addition to any other minor things you need, e.g. prescription strength antiperspirant


It’s been doing this for years but this is the worst.

That’s a problem my man. I’m no doctor, so serious caveat there, but my initial assumption is this is a fungal infection given its appearance and how long it’s lasted. If that’s what it is, you’re going to have to get some kind of antifungal cream to treat it.

Again, I’m absolutely not a doctor. There are a couple over the counter antifungals you could try: Lotrimin, Neosporin, Tinactin, and Lamisil. I recommend you read about each beforehand.

Whenever you take a shower, wash it very gently with an unscented, mild soap like this one, and make sure your belly button is 100% dry before doing anything else. No creams, no clothes until that belly button is as dry as Ben Shapiro’s wife. Get a hair dryer, it’ll make it faster and help you know it’s fully dry. Consider trimming off all your hair in that spot right now to help it dry faster. Any lingering moisture is going to perpetuate the issue.

Once your belly button is completely dry, then you apply the antifungal cream.

All this said, maybe it’d be prudent to visit an urgent care about this. Urgent care fees tend to be pretty affordable. Maybe see if you can get a quote ahead of time for one. It’s likely that if this is a fungal infection, an OTC cream won’t be strong enough, and you’ll need a prescription like ketoconazole. The prescription itself probably won’t be very much, because these creams tend to be pretty cheap.

I REPEAT YOUR BELLY BUTTON MUST BE SO DRY THAT BEN SHAPIRO WOULD MARRY IT. Probably nothing will work if you don’t fully dry it after every shower and don’t let it stay sweaty for too long. Do you tend to have a moist belly button? If so, Ben Shapiro would not like it


They’re also not animal byproducts according to the European Food Safety Authority. They’re instead animal products.


You say all the things you’re doing to accommodate him, but you don’t say anything about why you’re doing those things. Then you say he’s devaluing you and calling you “too sensitive”…why are you even still talking to this guy? What benefit does he add to your life? What you say you’re doing is reminiscent of how someone acts in an abusive relationship

I’d recommend being your authentic self 24/7 around him. If he can’t handle that, that’s on him and is not for you to fix


I still think these effects come from the vaccine, not the virus, based on my complete lack of knowledge and/or willful ignorance of the subject.

I’m ignoring the data showing whether unvaccinated people got long covid symptoms. But since society decided to try and force vaccinations on everyone, and I didn’t like that, I’m going to continue to tell everyone vaccines are bad because that’s the narrative I want to push.

You’re ignoring data so hard you didn’t even read the article you’re here commenting on lmao


Food doesn’t need to be traditional


This is a fantastic model for food banks. I volunteered at a distribution site in Texas that uses this model almost 15 years ago though, so I don’t know about “first-of-its-kind.” All food banks should offer this option though, imo. It really destigmatizes seeking help and enhances the dignity and self-respect of everyone involved. It also leads to more efficient use of donations, as people only take what they want to eat and leave what they don’t want for someone else.


Dear “judge,”

“i” order you to drop my case.




Poor people, gay people, black people, Irish immigrants, Italian immigrants, Mexican immigrants, Catholics, Muslims
