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Anytime anyone talks about things like this, I am compelled to bring up Roll for Shoes. It’s got, like, 6 rules and starts in 10 seconds because all characters start the same and evolve throughout play.

Essentially everyone starts with one skill “1d6 Do Anything” which they roll when they do anything. If you ever roll all 6s (so one 6 on Do Anything) you get a new skill that is one level higher, and is related to what you just succeed at, but is more specific. So you roll to kick in a door, you get a 6, so now you also have “1d6 Do Anything” but you also now have “2d6 Breaking and Entering” (there’s no list you just make it up). Maybe later you roll that again and get two sixes while climbing through a window, now you’ve got “3d6 Window Man”.

It gets chaotic fast, but it can be a fun single-session, and it sets up faster than it took to read this!


It drives me crazy here when there’s a road with 3 lanes in each direction, big open space, and a wide sweeping gradual curve, but then a sign that says “50km/h” and a speed trap.

I could cruise down that street and take that corner at 100km/h easily. Why did you build it that way if I’m meant to be going 50! It just makes people feel frustrated if the “natural” speed is so much faster than the posted speed.


It sounds like the thing you want is Functional Reactive Programming (FRP), where you have a state value that represents the current state, an update function which integrates an input and the current state, and a display function which just presents the state for the user. This is not Godot, but you may be able to search for an FRP game engine and find something more than a half-built weekend project from 8 years ago 😅

Godot is not a function-oriented environment at all, though the version of gdscript in Godot 4 does have first-class functions finally. Their entire model is very object-oriented, though. So your player will 100% be a subclass of a Godot class.

That having been said, more than many OOP projects Godot encourages object composition over multiclassing and mega objects. The “right” way to build a character in Godot is to have a health component that just holds health, takes damage, and heals. Then another which does damage to thing, etc. Then the player is a subclass of the physics body, and does have some glue code, but all of the concerns just get added to it and it becomes the sum of its parts. That allows the health component to be added to enemies and trees as well without rewriting it, etc.


I think you need to change the goal. Rather than the goal being to purchase the right chair, make the goal into “buying a chair today”. Now your task isn’t to decide on the best chair and to maybe buy no chair if none seem good. Your goal is to have a chair tonight. So at that point if you have seen a few chairs and they all seem equally “fine”, great! In that case pick any of them, they’ll all satisfy the challenge, and go home content!

Only barely related, there’s a Numberphile video you may find interesting about choosing portapotties, but the premise is “how many do I need to look at before committing to this one without seeing the rest”. Again, barely related, but the takeaway is that you don’t necessarily need to see every chair to get a sense of the average chair and then just pick the next one that seems average or better.


I think the normal issue prohibiting e2e encrypted messages being actually good is that end to end encryption requires keys, and keys require verification, and verification requires a trusted outside channel.

As it stands I would want a secure line to some random user I don’t know anything about, so I need a key. Where do I get a user’s key? I ask the same untrusted admin of their lemmy instance for it and they give it to me. How do I validate this key is actually this user’s? I don’t, I just trust the key the admin gave me. Then I encrypt my message and send it over.

So it protects against an honest instance being attacked later. Or against a shortsighted admin who might feel a little like peeking but hadn’t thought about being dishonest yet.

But in exchange for a smidge of security, what you gain is that new clients can’t read any DM you received before you started using it, or a buggy client who hasn’t synced the keys lately sending a message that only 2 of your clients can read but not the one you’re using right now. Or a phone falling into a toilet and effectively taking all your DMs with it because either there was no UI to back up your keys, or there was one but you didn’t use it because no one ever uses it, or there is a UI to backup the keys but no UI to import them on the next client, etc.


And on that same day, and each day before or since, nearly 100 human drivers killed people, 4k human drivers injured people, and nearly 10k human drivers damaged property. And I bet every one of those human drivers felt today would not be a day they wreck their car.

I’m not saying autopilot is perfect, but honestly it gives me hope that we’re still reporting each single accident it causes, because we couldn’t possibly report the ~15k accidents a day, every day, humans cause.

(Source for my numbers)



But, to be clear without giving spoilers, by “simulation game in space” it means getting in a ship and flying from planet to planet, while dealing with things like gravity and momentum. In my opinion just the right amount of challenge that it starts hard but doable, but is possible to get good at in the late game. So that was lots of fun.

Also, while I will not reveal plot here, I feel given feedback from some of my friends that didn’t like it the way I did, that maybe setting some tone expectations may help. The gameplay experience is mostly about exploring the planets, learning stuff, observing things, and making connections in you, the player. There’s archeological evidence out there in space, and it’s your job to figure out the history. It’s not boring, though! It feels more like a giant puzzle. But you should go in with an exploration mindset and if a particular path doesn’t work out, maybe it’s not time yet. Just try exploring something else!

One of my friends was too “goal oriented” and just kept hammering a given path over and over and it made them frustrated, which is a shame.

Also, while the DLC is also good, I waited until after the main game to play it, and I’m glad I did. I don’t know how it works to have the DLC running at the same time as the main game, but they’re two pretty independent stories / investigations and I wouldn’t want to get accidentally caught up in one while trying to piece together the other. I feel like that would be pretty confusing.

To any followup posters, remember no spoilers!


I think the gender neutral that gets used the most is “crown”, but maybe that has a different connotation.

More importantly, though, Queens are rare, we just happened to had one during a huge period of technological advances, etc.

But we already have a king, his heir the kind lined up, and that king already has a male heir. Obviously shit can happen, but we’re pretty far from another queen in any of our lifetimes…


Depends on what you want. I’ve been liking Godot, but I’m an “Open Source” person. There’s definitely more of a community around Unity or Unreal.

But Godot is free in both ways and relatively user friendly, and since you’re uninterested in hiring a hundred people, using a tool that you like is fine, even if it’s not the most popular.

There’s a course I’ve never used called Learn GDscript which teaches the inbuilt language for Godot (GDScript) in the browser with fun interactive tasks. It looks neat, but I’ve never tried it myself. You can use other languages with Godot, but I recommend the GDScript. It’s very similar to Python and is well integrated into the engine.

So from there it’s about screwing around! Like other people have said, you’re not going to whip up the game that’s in your head in anything like the time frame you probably think. Even if you think you’re being realistic, it’s probably even worse than that. But I don’t say this to discourage you, I say this to prevent you from discouraging yourself!

If you can get a game where a green circle goes through a maze and then text shows up on the screen that says “you did it”, that should be viewed as an accomplishment! It’s simple, sure, but it’s something you did. Try to break your game’s features up into micro chunks that are playable. It’s easy to spend 6 months working on something and making progress, but not in any way you can show friends or whoever, and can’t even really “play” yourself. That can be demotivating. Try as much as you can to have something playable as often as possible. It will feel much more like real progress if you constantly have something you can demo.

And also don’t underestimate how much a bit of art and sound effects can change an experience. Silent 2D boxes is fine to test things out, but even a free art and sound effects pack makes a huge difference in how fun a game can feel. It can make even a simple premise suddenly feel like a game.

Good luck, have fun! Oh, also once you’re done tripping over your feet, maybe try a game jam! They’re good exercise.


Also, one third of all people live in China or India alone. So of those 3ish billion people, there’s a 1 in 3 chance they live in India or China and likely don’t speak English. It’s so wild that a lot of people’s soul mates grew up in the same neighborhood they did, were exactly the same age, and went to the same school…
