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Bavaria was a very agricultural heavy state, that made a few things right in the last few hounded years. Bavaria has like every over German state a long and rich independent history. Only Bavarian nationalists dream of an independent Bavaria. Hitler joined the NSDAP in Munich and it was one of it’s early strongholds. Most German cities were destroyed in WWII. Germany did not “pay” reparations, because they still had a lot of open dept from WWI. They paid with land, factories, infrastructure and forced labor. What the guide meant was probably the so-called “soli”. It is a special tax that was levied from former Westgerman states to support former GDR states, which did not develop as much under the socialist rule. That tax was and is controversial and was changed to nowadays only applie to richer people.

Bavaria was always a big state in german, that tries to play a special role. Especially their main party the CSU participated in German politics, while enforcing predominantly Bavarian Interests. These methodes were obviously anti democratic but only borderline illegal and forced the government to restructure the parliament.

So yea. I grew up in Bavaria and I get why most Germans are quite annoyed with bavarians.

It is the German Texas.


Isn’t that the tool that let’s you brute force weak encrypted containers? I remember saving my sister that got a pin secured container and the pin was coming over mail/on a different channel (she needed it as fast as possible)…

Well it was a 4 digit pin and my very old notebook took a few hours. Even less if my sister would have told me that it was a 4 digit nummeric pin and not alphanumeric.

So yea. Hashcat will be your friend. Afaik can also take guesses.


Do not remember the video but isn’t that the whole problem: LEDs like to be cooler. Bright pretty LEDs get hoter. People buy smaller prettier bulbs. Things have a tradeoff independent of price. A small bright LED that is in an enclosed space will not last long. Recommend buying pretty LEDs and using them without enclosure or buying dimmable and setting them to 50% on default.

And not buying the integrated shit.


If I remember correctly the power armor get’s better quickly while you need to wait a long time for a thruster suit upgrade.

At least I remember that my furthest (sadly abandoned) SE run had me carrying both suits and changing when in space. There are also modules to reduce your need for oxygen and improve your thruster speed. But things like lasers, shields etc are useless in space…



I was the guy with all my keys and fat wallet with all cards and phone + Multitool knife.

Then I got inspired by my sister that travels a lot and tries to optimize for what she REALLY needs.

First I realized that most of my wallet is useless. I started carrying a smaller flip style one with my most used cards and some cash.

Then I reduced my keys to a carabiner with sorted keysets on keyrings, so I carry only the needed ones. Home + bike + cellar for daily use. Home + family keys for vacations. Home for going out. Added a very small key knife and a bottle opener that is part of my daily driver but left when not needed/forbidden.

The current setup is a phonecaee with space for 4 cards and maybe 3-4 bills. And my key setup. Yes you have to remember to take some Special thing. But usually I have my old wallet in my backpack when traveling or when needed.

Sometimes less is more.


You sure you are a human?


Naja kenne jemanden der bei der Firma arbeitet die das repariert: Das Teil ist ein Unikat und eine sonderanfertigung. Und ist etwas in die Jahre gekommen und hat einen Riss entwickelt. Variante a) für viele Abermillionen eine neue hebebühne die irgendwie 13m oder so mit Tonnenlasten bewegen kann, bestellen. Variante b) Zylinder ausbauen, reparieren lassen, wieder einbauen.


Yea it is crazy. Like most German ministries have their own mastodon Account and sprinkle in some news. And like some news channels have at least a Twitter relay.

Tech and scientists moved in big waves, so to be fair: I switched with the first waves and am fine. Yes I am using it less then I was using Twitter, but less social media is never bad.


Have a friend with drug issues. He visited with me another friend that worked for a non-profit and collected various things for a cause. Things like pain meds.

Not big enough to be a business. But enough to gift his friends some pain medications that could have been usefully for the recipients…
