

361 posts • 236 comments
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I see. You’d prefer a different kind of idiot, an idiot that would make gun ownership look good.

you undermine every attempt to actually maintain the right to defense via firearms.

From the linked article…

a machine gun capable of firing 400-800 rounds per minute, a level of firepower that quite simply overwhelms law enforcement.

…just in case your family is being attacked by, say, King Edward I of England or the FBI. We are talking about an assault weapon, not a Winchester 1897, perfectly adequate for your maintaining the right to defense via firearms. That is, if you must.

See, I know guns aren’t fetish items. You know they’re not a fetish item. Everybody knows guns aren’t fetish items. Every gun owner claims that they know…while slowly and methodically polishing up and down that long, metal barrel with mineral oil, lost in private thought…proudly displayed in oak credenzas or hung along the wall like so many stuffed bass or marlins. Maybe even modestly stored in a softcase just under the bed. I’d bet Anthony McRae knew, too.

And this charming fellow in Indiana just yesterday knew that guns aren’t fetish items.

Also just yesterday in Arkansas, this gun enthusiast and his “right to defense” knew that guns aren’t fetish items.

And this firearms advocate celebrating Juneteenth over in Round Rock, Texas. They knew.

And this rifle aficionado in Cincinnati, Ohio.

And this most certainly responsible firearm owner in Lathrup Village, MI, just hours after Michael William Nash’s demonstration of his 2nd Amendment rights in Rochester Hills.

This is no longer a question of the right to defend, or own firearms, or a “well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State”. Rationalize and polemicize all you want. This is a sickness. Recognizing and admitting the problem is always the first step in resolving.

We are in agreement on one thing: instead of actively trying to resolve this tragic problem, Rep. Brian BeGole et al are merely clowns.

r2 FunFact™: know how many total shootings in 2023 (and 2022) there were just across the Detroit River over in Windsor, Ontario? 11, with zero fatalities in 2023.


Here to add that, thanks to this jumping-bean bug, crossposting is difficult: once you confirm to which community to crosspost, focus is lost, the page jumps to the top and the post title and any URL are lost. Ouch!

@oleorun@real.lemmy.fan (or anybody, really), if you do file a bug report, would you mind posting the Github link? Thanks!

Be vigilant; guard your mind against negative thoughts. – Gautama Buddha


First off, thank you for confirming. Secondly, thank you so much for offering to file the bug report, if you think it’s necessary. I still don’t have a GitHub acct! 🤷‍♂️


2024-06-09 UPDATE: from WXYZ Detroit, Famous teen chess player visits with students at DIA, gets tour of Detroit

Jessica Hyatt, a senior in high school in New York and a student who is just a few points away from becoming the first African American woman in the United States to earn the Chess Master title, paid them a visit at the Detroit Institute of Arts on Friday.

Then she played a 25-board Simul in the Great Hall, which means she played 25 chess players at the same time and won all 25 games, which is quite unusual.


DWI? DUI? What’s the difference? The drunks alcohol enthusiasts over at Forbes magazine explain the difference…for those of you who don’t have to cover one eye to focus.

Stay sick, scratch glass, turn blue, climb walls…but don’t get caught!


I hate to be “that guy”—I prefer being “this guy”—but why is this posted here?

What We Want Now


I never thought someone would actually rebuild that place

My thought was that it was making more money derelict as a movie location than renovated…or at least more famous. But I am glad it was rescued and given a second life. It is a majestic building.


Uhmm…that’s certainly an interesting talking point to concentrate on.


Do not give your attention to what others do or fail to do; give it to what you do or fail to do

~Gautama Buddha
