

11 posts • 84 comments

Is this real?

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I created my first account on beehaw, but when i realized that they blocked this instance I created a lemmy.ml account. I engaged with someone on that post who was surprised that hate speech was being thrown around here. I said “it’s because theyre marxist leninist, go look for yourself” and they were so confused because there was no hate speech to be found. Essentially they were like “um I don’t agree with MLs on a lot of things, but they aren’t nazis. So what’s the issue?” So I’m positive that there are people being turned away who otherwise would want to interact with y’all.

It’s pretty fucked that they are equating discourse here to hate speech because of course people aren’t going to do their own investigating. They will just assume that yall are planning the next white uprising and flinging the F slur around.


Work Reform & Unionizing! - !workreform@lemmy.world


But do they need to be so huge? Like I’d figure that after so many years and advancement in technology they could make a way more powerful engine that’s the same size as older big trucks. And now a lot of them just have gigantic cabs with even shorter truck beds which confuses me


Dude I had sega channel, it was so cool! I believe you could play games all the way through and they grouped them by different genres, and the games changed monthly. They also had contests where you could win prizes. I won a backpack for one! Wish I still had it


Watanabe made Samurai Champloo too! True masterpieces. This is super exciting


Okay, so, I hate this argument that drugs of any type are anti-revolutionary. There was a thread on the leftist infighting community that I came across a while ago that I found particularly interesting. If I did this correctly, the thread should start here. I personally believe that the person who is arguing against drug use has no actual knowledge of real world drug use and how it affects people of different classes.

First of all, the demonization and illegalization of drugs is racist and capitalist. Henry Anslinger was the first head of the DEA, and after prohibition ended, he knew that the DEA would crumble, and so created the war on drugs

Second of all, there are many indigenous cultures that have used psychoactive substances for generations. Coca has been used in Chile for thousands of years. Peyote has been used by indigenous people on the american comtinent, and psylocibin mushrooms are used by Mazatec people. Don’t forget our dependence on coffee, energy drinks, and tea as well.

Drugs are not the problem, generally speaking. Capitalism and the conditions that we live in are the problem. People can and do live “productive” lives while also using mind altering substances, rich or poor. But it becomes addiction when people do not have connection to meaning; to a purpose, to other people. This is often due to our circumstances, past trauma, etc. Criminalization also contributes to this; if most drugs were available by prescription that would alleviate a lot of the dependence that we see now.

Using psychedelics and other drugs (ketamine, mdma) can be wonderfully therapeutic but the fact that they are now being capitalized on and will only be available to a small subset of people in a medical/therapeutic setting is troublesome.

I have and do use drugs; psychedelic and otherwise. I drink, probably too much. But that doesn’t stop me from trying to unionize my workplace, from trying to learn more about theory, from trying to find fulfillment in my life. In fact, it’s the opposite. What hinders me is the obligation that I have to a job that grinds me down and having to be subjected to the ills of the world. The mass shootings, the police murdering with impunity, the regulatioms and safeties for the natural world being stripped away. that’s what makes me demoralized and complacent. If it weren’t for those things, I’d be capable of much more, even with my substance use.

Edit to add: In my experience with psylocibin in particular, I often feel more optimistic and hopeful about my future. I generally don’t feel fear, and I think it could actually be useful to propel people towards impetus to create community and strive for liberation. I don’t know that someone could be “brainwashed” while taking psychedelics with a practitioner to become more complacent. In fact I think that regardless of what the messaging was, it builds way more empathy and drive to engage in empathy and action


Congrats! Thick leather gloves are fantastic for thorns, so that’s what I would recommend. I’m a glutton for punishment, though, and when I don’t have my leather gloves I’ll still dig through thorny plants, albeit veeeery gently. That’s normally if I’m just pruning small patches of blackberry or roses, though and also I’m a masochist lol.

If a ton of the thorny plants are blackberry, it might be a good idea to hire someone to clear it. I’ve never done so but they are voracious growers. You may know this, but any branch that touches the ground can put off new roots and grow even more and so on. Unless you can dig out all of the roots, just going through and cutting is a losing game, unless you get it cut back to where it’s manageable and you don’t mind pruning regularly.

As for garden clippings, composting is the way. You do want to make sure that you aren’t getting any weeds in your compost, though, otherwise they will profilerate and your compost soil will just spread more weeds. Again, you may know this, but for browns, save any unbleached paper that you can. Torn up cardboard, newspaper, napkins,coffee filters, paper grocery bags, chopped up twigs/wood chips/shavings, dryer Lint. If you can shred your brown foliage that’s great as well. If there is a farm/feed store somewhat close to you, you can buy straw for fairly cheap and that will last forever depending on the size of the compost pile.

Also, if you can look into native flowers for your area and scatter a ton of seed once you’ve cleared out weeds, they can help to eventually keep the weed population under control. Clover helps with this, too and can be good ground cover. Just wanna make sure it’s not invasive in your area and it doesn’t choke out your natives


Had this convo a while ago, and afterwards I thought: why do people need these big ass trucks, when for decades we’ve had powerful enough trucks that did the same things newer giant Rams do? Like people gave been hauling work equipment, farm supplies and campers long before they got as big as they are now.


I think lemmy.ml was getting money from NLnet by completing Milestones, but now that they’re scrambling to handle bugs and doing Q&A constantly I think they’re losing out on that funding. At least that’s what Dessalines reported, I believe


Well it used to be slipknot/KoRn/Limp Bizkit etc etc, but now nu metal is cool with all the zoomers, so I’m no longer embarrassed of being a nu metal kid. It’s been pretty cool to reconnect with that stuff without fear! Tbh there are a lot of KoRn tracks that slap, and you can hear their influence in a lot of the underground metal music I listen to. The band chat pile that’s pretty popular right now cites KoRn as an influence. Limp Bizkit is still preeeeeetty fuckin bad though. I fuck with some tracks off of 3 Dollar Bill Y’all$, but so much of it is just corny as hell. System of a Down was always considered dope so they don’t count
