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The thing to take from the whole situation with Google having to pay apple for defualt search that I feel not enough people are talking about is that Apple didn’t lose anything but gained. So of course they didn’t care about the consequences for users. Apple never took any blame in media press either so they and Google both got away with it, with Google taking little stings from it it every now and then, and now finally it’s catching up to Google in particular.

Not saying I blame apple as much as Google for making this step, but their greed is part of the problem too.


Yet android has the bigger marketshare.


I don’t get it. what did Samsung do that’s so much worse then degrading the internet search resualts?


Is this an issue with… social media, or corporate social media? Mastodon technically is social media and it can potentially have the problems of Facebook or Twitter, or not. Depends on the instance owners control. Even then, however they can’t control every little detail when it’s federated but, that’s a good thing for the freedom of ideas.

If you want my actual opinion, places like Lemy and even Reddit are better for independent voices, because you can go into a dedicated community and get what you want specifically. While places like Mastodon, is more like a timeline of, hey I did this thing, or hey Elon musk did a thing today. Lemy is less like that, but it can also be like that.

Lemy or reddit seems to encourage discusion and Lemy seems to do great at it. The best interaction i’ve seen on an opensource social platform even compared to mastodon, dispite mastodon having more users.


Teenagers might think they want an iPhone, but not everyone has the money for one and paying the bills. Whether they could make life changes to make more money is debatable, but the fact remains that not everyone does have $1000 to throw at a phone.

Because of this, the cheaper yet surprisingly still usable alternative, android has the larger marketshare. Since Google makes money on ads it’s better for them to hand out more phones for cheap or in same cases for free, when a manufacturer makes a phone, when all those users see ads on YouTube and Google.


This is the best thing to happen to for internet, since the fediverse. or since hd video was made available for free streaming uncapped particularly by YouTube

and now more people can experience this. I consider this a win for all. Internet prices will go down. Did we lose anything from this proposal? I don’t think so. but time will tell as of course the rules had only just now passed.


I think it’s more sustainable then Facebook ,Twitter and others. Why? Because it’s federated! if one instance goes bankrupt or shuts down for whatever reason it doesn’t close down the entire program. If anything, at worst a portion of Lemy communities would get erased from history. Lemmy in reality is really just an interface, with a bunch of different instances combined to provide the content. The cost is actually cheaper then other social platforms from the last 10 years+ like Facebook because in a way the cost for the “service” is divided by all the different instances hosted by volunteers,

I hope this makes sense, if any questions do ask.


and- no one will ever know if the article is paywalled. No wonder people don’t know anymore.


In other words, these older extentions work just fine, no one wants the new limited features, and google is force disabling older extentions despite any outcries from its users because it can.


YouTube seems more interested these days in telling you what to watch, then letting its user express any opinion, wouldn’t be surprised if comments were hidden next from everybody.

The dislikes were hidden specifically to protect the images of brands. Think of things like game trailers or movie trailers that would get overloaded with dislikes if people perceived them as bad. I don’t think Disney really pays attention to their dislikes. They and other companies prefer them to be hidden however, so that when Nintnedo pulls another super Mario Wonder for $70 that the haters feel alone about it.
