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My main home machine features a Linux DE whose appearance is largely the same as it was circa 2005 and whose development team is dedicated to keeping that look and feel.

That be TDE or Mate?.. I can’t get rid of anxiety without using FVWM with small simple panel and very minimal look. But I am nostalgic.


Sure self hosted matrix is a lot safer than sending your messages through meta servers for example.

A lot safer in which case? I can imagine a few very real ones where it’s not.

Self-hosted Signal (requires patching the client, but it’s straightforward) server I would understand.

but for critical government applications and especially the military it might be. That is what we are talking about here.

Signal devs have a few papers describing how and by what logic they are addressing these problems.

Again, self-hosting (because accounts can be blocked by Signal) their solution is a better idea.


I would never risk any third party messaging service in military or critical state matters.

Ah, so mister genius would write his own, have I heard that right? Would he use XOR twice when encrypting a message, just to be double safe?


Why would they hate sitting in one chair for more than an hour, looking at a wall with picture projected there, and with the darkness around whispering, sighing, laughing, squealing, grunting, sneezing, farting


Because having people download static map data for the entire planet just to play a game is untenable.

I’m certain Soviet General Staff maps turned into a flight sim map, with a few thousands of buildings being modeled and textured individually and the rest with similar (like buildings made of hexagon modules in some games have variety, but the separate components are not too numerous) procedurally-generated repeated kinds of meshes, textures and shaders, would take weigh little enough that you wouldn’t notice download times.

What else do they do for flight sims?

Weather data? A lot, but not that much.

I just can’t imagine what would need 64GB. I think it’s an intentional waste for the purpose of this game not being playable after its end of life.

A bit like Heinlein’s “Door into summer” future economics. Only there such stupid things are done to reduce unemployment, while here they are done to keep markets predictable for corporations and controlled, so that they wouldn’t, you know, die, as they would in a normal market because of competition.

Which reminds me of one important thing I’ve already changed in my life to not support such malicious actions. I don’t buy products that are intentionally made this way.


Technically correct, but if I’d have any input into hiring a person whose background involves making a flight simulator requiring 64GB RAM, that doesn’t emulate every mol in that plane for that cost (I’m exaggerating a bit), I’d ask many questions.


Well, my notable spectrum-related personal trait is that I want to know the truth about things, so falling in love with pictures just won’t work, I won’t be able to expel from my mind the fact that it’s not real in any regard.

Unless a machine conscience of human kind becomes real.

Haven’t seen the new one yet.


Well, on the matter of dolls looking “just like” whoever, I think that should be legal with no reservations. The point we consider those acts you’ve described heinous and disgusting and so on is because real people\animals suffer. The rest is simply not our business. So if there’s no real suffering involved, this is not even up to discussion.

Releasing filmed material with dolls is another issue, I think this should be considered harassment, maybe even on the “rape threat” level. But again - scaled by the real rights being violated, not by what we want and don’t want others to do, because that’s not our business.

I’m not sure I agree about it being a good outlet, I think you are right about not being sure. That outlet logic doesn’t quite work the same with every person. Again, a person on the spectrum (like me) might use that possibility to play, and for them it will really be an outlet. A usual person with weird fetishes might do that too, or want the real thing after playing with toys enough, as with gateway drugs. A psychopath will likely have no use for toys since they only want real power over living beings.

As we all see with the Web and social media, lots of genocidal rhetoric has been normalized in the last decade that wasn’t before that. Don’t want to mention Azeris, but 15 years ago they (in the Russian-speaking Web) wouldn’t go to common places, because those places would expel savages ; now the common places are just as degenerate and hateful. I wouldn’t want the same thing to happen with torture and rape fantasies.

So - I think it’s a bad thing. In private they may do with dolls as they want. In public and in the Web - depending on how realistic it is.

There’s also a substantial male population for whom a woman being subservient is a turnoff, though, with knowing it’s a transaction being sufficient. For such people a doll could help with some purely physical stupid things, but those are the least of lonely people’s problems, so not very useful.


It’s subjective who’s a normal dude and whether that intersects with weirdos who preliminate (interesting word) themselves from dating before you even know them.

I’m definitely in the latter group except for a few very rare events (all of which did not end very well, though for some of them others say I dodged a bullet, and for some of them I’ve reevaluated the events and myself think I dodged a bullet, though the person is good, but they too have problems unfixed yet which would make it a dumpster fire, and some of them ended such a nightmare that I suspect I should be glad we weren’t deeper into things … tldr I’m one of those weirdos)

But this really would be amazing news for everyone if we assume a good enough physical imitation is possible. Let them. Plastic grass, fabric flowers, rubber “stone” or “brick” walls, electric fireplaces, search engines instead of actually judging for yourself whom you’d want to ask and what you’d want to read, social media instead of a forum (the Roman one, though early 00s ones were good) or a homepage, fashion degenerating into all girls at night looking the same (outdoors), the “genial” and “non-mainstream” authors’ names being known to every high schooler and all the same unlike Stanislaw Lem and Isaac Asimov and Chesterton and Simak and even Tolkien and Lewis, instead of ancap (like it or not, it’s a very firm and characteristic ideology, that has influenced cyberpunk in both ways) optimism\pessimism only cryptoscams and Gab and alt-rights around, instead of new computer-powered amazing art - some plagiarism machines, instead of transhumanism - some very persuasive bots, it makes sense that at some point this should come to moving dolls instead of romantic partners, and if people don’t choke on the rest in this list, they won’t choke on that too.


You are immune to logic sadly, but I’ll answer two things, which can be extrapolated to all you’ve said.

Sometimes yes. Usually no, for most people. If you make a word document in an older version of office, it’ll still work fine. If you use LibreOffice with the oldest-looking UI, it’ll still work. 99% of people don’t use the extremely niche features that have been added in recent years.

No, it all won’t work fine at your work where you send documents and spreadsheets and stuff with complex functionality to your colleagues and clients. And they send their documents to you. And versions edited in your old version or LO break.

That aside, WordPerfect 8 doesn’t support MSW document formats, IIRC, and MSW doesn’t support WP8 document formats.

Exactly. And that research has lead to where we are now.

This is factually incorrect and I have already said it’s incorrect. That research has mostly been exhausted, and the conclusions one can make from it are more or less the same as in 40s, 60s and 80s. And 90s’ interfaces were more usable because by habit people tried to follow industrial ergonomics, even though computer displays allow one to cheaply shoot their user in the foot, in the way some device’s panel with switches, buttons and knobs doesn’t.

They almost never were. Seriously. Go back and try some 90s software. Most of it was a cluttered mess, ugly, really weirdly laid out, and had zero considering for anybody with disabilities.

Some of it. But IBM and Apple had human interface guidelines based on actual research about ergonomics, which hasn’t become obsolete despite what you say, because humans did not change as a race in 30 years. UI\UX following those is still good.

Judging by the first quote, you simply haven’t done work requiring heavy usage of productivity software yet.

Also you are arguing like a schoolboy. Exactly in the way schoolboys consider to not look like it. I could give advice, but that usually only results in resistance.
