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this is what I suspect also. I mean it’s easy to point fingers at George Kurtz as he was CTO at Mcafee when they had their “little” snafu but…well…yeah. I strongly suspect many of his “policies” he had while CTO at Mcafee carried over to Crowdstrike. dude isn’t exactly known for being a fan of testing or vetting processes. in fact he’s all about quick development/crunch.


this wasn’t a microsoft issue, well mostly wasn’t. The issue is Crowdstrike rolled out a horribly written update to production without testing or vetting. The problem was this driver that they rolled out borked machines. as a result Windows would get stuck in a bootloop and BSOD.

The amusing thing (at least to me) was the fix was quite simple depending on how valuable you were to your company. If you were some low level peon you could simply boot into safe mode and delete the crowdstrike folder with the bad driver in it, or rename it, and your system would boot. IF you were someone who was higher up the food chain chances are you couldn’t as your HDD/SSD would be encripted with microsofts bitlocker. you need codes from microsoft in order to decrypt the bitlocker OR if your IT department was worth it’s salt they’d have the codes stored on an external USB. many did not. Ok so get the codes from microsoft I hear you say, nope, Bitlocker was using crowdstrike for the servers that kept the codes to distribute annnnnd no one could access them.

So the problem was two fold as is the solution. One people need to ditch crowdstrike or simply don’t start business with them. the CEO of crowdstrike is a damn numbskull who was also behind the mcafee outage a few years ago that was equally fucked. he was the CTO for mcafee at the time. the guy doesn’t believe in proper roll outs and unit testing in favor of pushing shit live as quickly as possible.

Next Microsoft needs to do away with it’s stupid bitlocker. It’s more of a hassle than anything and most people I know that still use windows end up disabling it on their machines anyways. When you need a code to decrypt your damn SSD/HDD just to recover your system or simply boot into safemode you know it’s a stupid “feature”.

but yeah, more home grown shit that actually works would be grand.


replace the military from a woke culture to a warrior culture. the fuck does that even mean? wasn’t aware our military was “woke”. Christ on a cracker we’re collectively fucked. just start a civil war down south or something already so we can all start surviving in a post apocalyptic world and everyone can get off the internet.


sorry but your comment isn’t much better as you’re wrong. This had nothing to do with gamers demanding an early release, that’s a lie. stop. Don’t insult someone for bullshit when you’re spewing the equal amount.

The problem with the initial release of NMS was Sean Murray. that’s it. Hello Games didn’t have a PR person and it was all on the back of Murray. He hyped the game up beyond belief and stated features would be present at launch that wouldn’t be. And while Sony did publish and promise to assist in marketnig, they did not provide PR. Murray should have hired someone to do PR for his team, he did not. https://www.vice.com/en/article/dpkvnm/inside-the-nasty-no-mans-sky-backlash.

IF he had kept his mouth shut or actually hired someone to do PR, the NMS launch would have been just fine. Murray himself has stated that the launch of NMS was a result of himself not benig able to control the hype around the game. It was too little too late especially after the game launched where Hello Games and Murray pretty much said “ok, we way over hyped this thing…we better shut up for a few months until we can add in all the stuff I promised”.

It wasn’t untli the zero hour that Murray realized he, essentially, talked too much. review copies didn’t go out because if they had game sites would have pointed out that Murray was speaking bullshit. The demand for the game by gamers at launch was because of the hype that Murray couldn’t control. There’s even stories of developers at Hello Games trying to reel Murray in and tell him to basically shut up. Were the features Murray promised prior to launch going to be in the game? yes, eventually, with updates. But because of Murray and his direct involvment with a lackluster launch they now had to speed up/crunch development for said features. Why the guy wasn’t ousted from Hello Games is beyond me but he managed to eventually save face.

Again this had NOTHING to do with gamers demanding a release. It released on time. There was even an investigation by the ASA in regards to the false advertising of No Man’s Sky https://www.pcgamesn.com/no-mans-sky/no-mans-sky-false-advertising

So just stop lying. Yes you probably love the game, but there’s no reason to continue to defend it. This was all their own doing of which they managed to recover from it.


oh no doubt, I was telling an old manager of mine today that this “fix” will likely take weeks as he thought it’d just be something they could update. yeah…no. it’s a manual fix for each individul machine. I do not envy anyone working in IT right now.


Because if you roll out something to production on a friday whose there to fix it on the Saturday and Sunday if it breaks? Friday is the WORST day of the week to roll anything out. you roll out on Tuesday or Wednesday that way if something breaks you got people around to jump in and fix it.


I mean if your IT was smart, IF they were smart, they would have the bitlocker decryptions backed up on like a usb or something. IF you need to access the decryption via microsoft then you’re apparently borked for now.


sorry :( yeah I, at most, do 3 days in the office now. Fridays are a day off and Mondays mostly everyone just works from home if at all. downtown Toronto on Mondays and Fridays is pretty much dead.


that would only work for like low level people’s laptops. apparently if your role requires a more secure machine you also have to deal with bitlocker whiiiiiiich is tied in with crowdstrike soooooo no dice.


It’s just amatuer hour across the board. Were they testing in production? no code review or even a peer review? they roll out for a Friday? It’s like basic level start up company “here’s what not to do” type shit that a junior dev fresh out of university would know. It’s like “explain to the project manager with crayons why you shouldn’t do this” type of shit.

It just boggles my mind that if you’re rolling out an update to production that there was clearly no testing. There was no review of code cause experts are saying it was the result of poorly written code.

Regardless if you’re low level security then apparently you can just boot into safe and rename the crowdstrike folder and that should fix it. higher level not so much cause you’re likely on bitlocker which…yeah don’t get me started no that bullshit.

regardless I called out of work today. no point. it’s friday, generally nothing gets done on fridays (cause we know better) and especially today nothing is going to get done.
