Well, there are many ways to do that. It’s kind of a rabbit hole on its own. For me, I prefer layers to combos to access special keys like symbols, numbers, and function keys.
If you meant modifiers like Ctrl and Shift, I use home row mods. I also started with 40+ keys like a Piantor and swore I would never like home row mods, but ended up loving them after trying it.
Anyway, layers feel pretty intuitive to me. What do you think is making layers not easy for you?
Hmm actually, FAK could be extended to CH582. It would have to be a complete rewrite on the hardware code, but I could keep the Nickel config mostly compatible between CH55x and CH58x.
You just gave me an idea. Sounds like I can make a FAK spec and then there’d be compliant hardware-specific implementation for different chips 🤯
Yep, and I think they’re even working on dongle mode. They call it “triple 2.4G” on the readme.
Thanks! No CH55x chip supports Bluetooth so it’s USB only. I thought of possibly adding a Bluetooth module, but that’s almost always a SoC and you’re much better off using that as the main (and only) microcontroller instead.
There’s this: Could work as a “dumb” BT module but even so, it can’t do HID over BT directly so have to translate that to HID with another chip. Not so power efficient too.
Basically, I’ve been through this path and it always led me to: just use one MCU with BT. Fortunately, CH582 is a cheap one. RISC-V with BLE. And it’s been recently ported to QMK as well: