TBH I don’t like FreeCAD - I fell like it’s like recommending Gimp as a serious alternative to Photoshop. With enough effort and deep knowledge you can almost achieve similar results but you have to invest multiple times as much time. The saving in licencing cost is very quickly eastern up by the increased labour cost.
There is an alternative that has come a long way IMHO, though: BlenderBIM. They are still not quite as good as ArchiCAD and such but it runs natively on Linux and is very neat so far.
Although it’s important to point out that those two are vastly different.
Sovereign citizens deliberately misinterpret US laws to (in their minds) escape jurisdiction. Reichsbürger are actively planning a coup to overthrow the government, install an actual emperor and go back to feudalism.
Sounds ridiculous but they are connected and prepared surprisingly well wich make them a real threat, not just a funny curiosity.
Sehr wichtiger Punkt, danke. Zum Teil sind Rechts und Links da wo sie sind weil die Linken sich lieber gegenseitig angreifen als gegen Rechts vorzugehen.
Also nochmal zum Mitschreiben: Es ist scheißegal ob Links, Mitte, Marxist, Keynesianer, Christ, Atheist, Herero, Queer, Fleischfresser, Veganer oder was auch immer. Es gibt genug Ansätze, die Gesellschaft zu spalten und sie funktionieren. Keine Toleranz für Intolerante, der Rest ist erstmal egal.