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Imagine this happening during open heart surgery and all the monitors go blue!


I hope this is just the first salvo the Biden’s launch and start using all the ridiculous policies the GOP is setting against them.

I am middle of the road but registered democrat. I vote for who I think will do the best job in local and national elections.

I am partially paralyzed and it takes me 1/2 a day to vote. I will always vote because its all we have imo.

IMO The Electoral college stole the election from Hillary but you don’t see her running around like Kari Lake who is acting this way on purpose so if Trump wins, she will get appointed to a good job in his cabinet.

Back to Hillary, She won the popular vote by millions and still lost!

This is what the electoral college did

She won the popular vote just short of 3 Million!

Back then we had **249,372,406 people over the age of 18. About 80% of them were eligible to vote

That is roughly 200k people. 199,497,924. The point is the amount of popular votes should have been a solid win. Not a landslide but solid.

This makes me very sketched out along with all these new voting districts and restrictions on absentee ballots,

and some states banning giving people in line a bottle of water or food! Google line warming!

What if Biden wins by 2 million? Is that a solid win for Trump???

**Child and Adult Populations 2016

Age 18 and over

United States 249,372,462
