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Wouldn’t you want your SSG to include a dev-server anyways? Zola has zola serve which even does incremental rebuilds, but something less sophisticated should be easy to add to your own (only took me a weekend to add to hinoki including rebuilds, though mostly starting the build from scratch on changes).

I don’t want the overhead of looping through an HTTP client and server implementation in places it doesn’t need to. I design my tooling based on a test target roughly comparable to the Raspberry Pi 4, performance-wise.


Have you investigated some of the options already now?

A bunch of other things came up, forcing me to put the project on the back burner.

(eg. Most recently (about a week ago), I had my 6-month-old boot drive go bad and it took me several days to rush-order a new NVMe drive, learn ZFSBootMenu, restore my backups, and redesign my backup strategy so that, when the original comes back from RMA, if the ZFS mirroring and snapshotting and the trick to mirror the EFI system partition isn’t enough to ensure high availability, a full, bootable backup of the NVMe pool’s contents can be restored in 2 hours or less with the sequential read performance of my first tier of backup being the bottleneck.)

missing flexibility for output paths has been an annoyance.

Hmm. We’ll see if I wind up using it. Avoiding deadlinks has been non-negotiable to the point where replicating my WordPress blog on a local httpd, spidering it, and logging the URLs I need to preserve has been one of the big hold-ups.

is that I found Zola to be quite hard to hack on

Hmm. Potentially a reason I’ll wind up making my own, given that I’ve written SSGs in Python before (eg. https://vffa.ficfan.org/ is on a homebrew Python SSG) and I’ve already got a single-page pulldown-cmark frontend I’ve gone way overboard on the features for and a basic task-specific Rust SSG for my mother’s art website that I can merge with it and generalize.

EDIT: Here’s a screenshot of what I mean by saying I’ve gone way overboard.

and Tera (its templating lang) to be a little buggy / much less elegant than minijinja API-wise.

Hmm. Noted. I think i’m using Tera for my mother’s SSG.

Re. link checking, have you seen lychee? When I found out about it, the priority of building my own link checker in my SSG (that was only an idea at that point, I think) basically dropped to zero :D

You accidentally re-used the link to the Zola issue tracker there. I have not yet checked out lychee and I’m getting a docs.rs error when clicking the examples link, so all I can say is that it’ll depend on how amenable it is to checking a site rooted in a file:// URL so I don’t need the overhead and complexity of spinning up an HTTP server to check for broken links.


Maybe a web of trust for audited dependencies would help. This version of this repo under this hash.

It’ll probably please you to know that the alternative lib.rs frontend for the crates repository integrates both cargo-vet and cargo-crev data via an “Audit” tab that appears on the pages for crates that have such information.


I’m using the web UI, so I’m assuming whatever broad-spectrum Markdown rendering library it uses has smart quote rendering turned on.


Edit: and just to be snarky: I didn’t type “…” I typed “…”. ;)

*chuckle* I think Lemmy typed those for you, because I typed three periods and got a Unicode ellipsis, and both of those are also unicode ellipses.


It still returns relative paths if the input was relative


and it doesn’t resolve “…”

I’ll assume you meant .., since ... is an ordinary filename. (Aside from the “who remembers …?” feature introduced in Windows 95’s COMMAND.COM where cd ... was shorthand for doing cd .. twice and you could omit the space after cd if your target was all dots.)

The reason it doesn’t do that is that, when symlinks get involved, /foo/bar/.. does not necessarily resolve to /foo and making that assumption could introduce a lurking security vulnerability in programs which use it.


Ahh, yeah. In the beginning, Rust was built around the idea that individual files and invoking rustc are internal details, only relevant for integration into some other build system like Bazel, and that “normal” Rust projects need to be inside a Cargo project structure.

There is in-development work to have official support for something along the lines of rust-script, but it’s still just that… in development. If you want to keep an eye on it, here is the tracking issue.


That’s not how it’s supposed to be.

but for example Vec::new() doesn’t highlight anything at all.

If I do Vec::new(foo, bar), I get expected 0 arguments, found 2 (rust-analyzer E0107).

but things like passing too many arguments into the println macro doesn’t throw an error.

I don’t get that either, but I’m still running with the Vim configuration I setup on my previous PC from 2011, where I turned off checks that require calling cargo check or cargo clippy in the background. From what I remember, a properly functioning default rust-analyzer config should pick up and display anything cargo check will catch and you can switch it to cargo clippy for even stricter results.

Or how shown in this example, it did not autocomplete the clone method, while also just accepting .clo; at the end of a String (it also didn’t autocomplete “String”).

I get clone(), clone_into(), and clone_from() as proposed completions for .clo on my as-you-type completions for foo where let foo = String::new(); and it proposed a whole bunch of things, with String at the top when I typed Stri. (eg. the stringify! macro, OsString, mixed in with various results from other crates in the project like serde)


Fair. That would have been more constructive… I think I didn’t do that because it still would have felt like encouraging off-topicness.


Signal to noise ratio.

Aside from possibly making them feel better, it doesn’t benefit anyone for them to drop into a topic about thing X and say nothing but “I use thing Y. I don’t like thing X.” and it wastes other people’s time either scrolling past it or clearing out their RSS reader, depending on how they follow things.
