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The recent murder of Sonya Massey really underlines how accurate that is. Massey was fucking joking with the police. Everything was fine. They were there to help her. And then she made a joke the cop thought disrespected him and she was dead thirty seconds later.

It’s so fucking sickening and it’s exactly how abusive parents treat kids. You have to walk on eggshells 24-7 because there’s no telling what will trigger a violent reaction in the abuser - and because the abuser is confident he’ll suffer no consequences from his violence, he feels free to resort to violence at any opportunity.


“That being said, I am happy to give up my right to vote as a trade for a significantly better quality of life. It’s cleaner, it’s safer. There’s more opportunity in mobility,” she said.

Plenty of people are happy to make that trade while staying in America. This is why Trump’s going to win.


Full disclosure: I don’t have the time or patience to watch a thirty minute video, and perhaps the OOP discusses this point somewhere in the video. I don’t know.

But I believe vegan activism doesn’t require anti-capitalist activism. Or even opposition to capitalism in general.

I agree that capitalism is inherently anti-vegan. The logic of capitalism sees both animal bodies and human bodies as objects to be owned and used for their masters’ profit.

I think it’s more ideologically consistent for vegan activists to also oppose capitalist systems as a whole.

But vegan activism doesn’t require ideological consistency. We’re not trying to change the entire world economic system. We don’t need to change the entire world economic system. If abolitionists could oppose slavery without opposing capitalism - and win - vegans can oppose the slavery of animals without opposing capitalism. Vegans can win victories and have protections for animals written into law without opposing capitalism. We can and we have.

And if you can be a vegan activist and still be a capitalist, you can certainly just be an ordinary vegan and still be a capitalist.

Frankly, absolute ideological consistency is for heroes in an Ayn Rand novel. Vegans can work with with anybody who puts the animals first. And anybody who puts the animals first can be a vegan.


What is the source of your quote? I can think of quite a few places where I’d want to share it 😆


You do realize Joe Biden has been President for the last four years, right?

You realize the changes he wants to make were recommended to him by an advisory panel in 2021, right?

You realize Biden has sat on his thumbs for the last four years watching America’s economy and political climate fall into the gutter, watching the world fall into war, watching the global environmental and economic collapse and the worst refugee crisis in world history grind on and doing absolutely fucking nothing, right?

But now that the Supreme Court that Biden enabled has formally instituted the imperial presidency that everybody knew they would institute, now that the end of democracy in America is literally in sight, Biden and the Democratic Party are finally going to start fighting for the court reforms we’ve been begging for his entire presidency?

Forgive me for not expecting much.


In a way it is. Colonial empires maintain the support of the proletariat in the imperial cores by funneling wealth from colonized nations back to those people. If you’re better off than your parents were, and your parents are better off than your grandparents were, why do you care that your ruling oligarchy is genociding its way across the planet and shoveling stolen profits into its insatiable maw?

English commoners forgave their empire’s industrial scale genocide of African slaves on Haitian plantations because that genocide provided white sugar for their tea.

American commoners forgive the wholesale torture and murder of Latin American peasants because we can buy cheap bananas at the supermarket.

The top 20% of Americans control 80% of America’s wealth. But they don’t consume 80% of the resources America consumes. They don’t burn 80% of the gas, they don’t eat 80% of the food, they don’t produce 80% of the pollution. What’s killing the world is the bread and circuses - or rather the cars, cell phones, and factory farms - that give all but the very poorest Americans an artificially inflated standard of living at the cost of the world as a whole.

But telling poor Americans “your standard of living is too high” when the entire capitalist machine tells them they have the right to all the consumption they can buy and the best standard of living they can earn, it’s a hard sell, you know?


In the same time period, eating meat at every meal was a demonstration of social status - only the wealthy and powerful had enough livestock to slaughter and eat them routinely.

Like lawns, and meat, and college education, and a dozen other forms of conspicuous consumption - privileges of the wealthy during the Victorian era and earlier, when industrialized society made those privileges cheaper, the middle class seized on them to emulate the upper class, and after a hundred fifty years those privileges became expectations.

And conspicuous consumption as a status symbol, when universalized to the majority of society, led inevitably to unsustainable consumption and the world as it is now.
