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Not saying Windows isn’t trash, but considering what CrowdStrike’s software is, they could have bricked Mac or Linux just as hard. The CrowdStrike agent has pretty broad access to modify and block execution of system files. Nuke a few of the wrong files, and any OS is going to grind to a halt.


Short answer: yes, you can self-host on any computer connected to your network.

Longer answer:
You can, but this is probably not the best way to go about things. The first thing to consider is what you are actually hosting. If you are talking about a website, this means that you are running some sort of web server software 24x7 on your main PC. This will be eating up resources (CPU cycles, RAM) which you may want to dedicated to other processes (e.g. gaming). Also, anything you do on that PC may have a negative impact on the server software you are hosting. Reboot and your server software is now offline. Install something new and you might have a conflict bringing your server software down. Lastly, if your website ever gets hacked, then your main PC also just got hacked, and your life may really suck. This is why you often see things like Raspberry Pis being used for self-hosting. It moves the server software on to separate hardware which can be updated/maintained outside a PC which is used for other purposes. And it gives any attacker on that box one more step to cross before owning your main PC. Granted, it’s a small step, but the goal there is to slow them down as much as possible.

That said, the process is generally straight forward. Though, there will be some variations depending on what you are hosting (e.g. webserver, nextcloud, plex, etc.) And, your ISP can throw a massive monkey wrench in the whole thing, if they use CG-NAT. I would also warn you that, once you have a presence on the internet, you will need to consider the security implications to whatever it is you are hosting. With the most important security recommendation being “install your updates”. And not just OS updates, but keeping all software up to date. And, if you host WordPress, you need to stay on top of plugin and theme updates as well. In short, if it’s running on your system, it needs to stay up to date.

The process generally looks something like:

  • Install your updates.
  • Install the server software.
  • Apply updates to the software (the installer may be an outdated version).
  • Apply security hardening based on guides from the software vendor.
  • Configure your firewall to forward the required ports (and only the required ports) from the WAN side to the server.
  • Figure out your external IP address.
  • Try accessing the service from the outside.

Optionally, you may want to consider using a Dynamic DNS service (DDNS) (e.g. noip.com) to make reaching your server easier. But, this is technically optional, if you’re willing to just use an IP address and manually update things on the fly.

Good luck, and in case I didn’t mention it, install your updates.


Ya, the guy is a walking case study in how to be a horrible member of society; but, he is now the official GOP nominee for President. Blocking him, but not Biden, might get into sticky territory around campaign finance. Not that Trump’s team or the GOP give a shit about that. But, other folks do, probably the Twitch legal team among them.


Somebody forgot about No Changes Friday.


No, because your vote won’t encourage investment in flipping the State. I agree that the current duopoly sucks. I was an ardent Bernie supporter and would very much like viable third parties. But, the DNC isn’t going to be looking at those third party votes. They need to believe that the Democrats have a chance of winning before they will invest in a State. If all they see are protest votes, then they won’t see a viable path to them winning and they will continue to ignore the State.

Ya, it sucks, but we really do need to just keep holding our nose and pulling the lever for the Democrat in the general election.


What’s Next?

Nothing, the answer is nothing.
This is “proposal” has about the same chance of passing Congress as I do of farting diamonds. It’s just empty rhetoric to pander to voters. Can’t say I blame Biden for putting it out there, elections are all about empty promises. But ya, he may as well be promising unicorns and rainbows for everyone, for all the chances this has of becoming law.


Cleopatra had huge tracts of land. And all of the Romans wanted to plow her fields.
I’m walking about the wheat production of Egypt here, what were you thinking of?


If you want to take someone sailing on a boat and you ask them if they can swim, what exactly are you asking?
Everyone can float if they have a life jacket right?

The first question is all about the second one. If you can swim, you may be able to be on the boat with wearing a life jacket constantly (many folks don’t). But, if you can’t swim, they may want you in one the entire time; because, ya know, you’ll float rather than drown.


If you are in a deep red state, it will seem that your vote won’t matter. Because it mostly won’t. However, the way States vote changes over time. The closer the vote totals in a State, the more likely the National Democratic Party is to invest resources into building up and promoting candidates in those States. That sort of thing can shift the needle, if slowly. Keep in mind that California voted Republican from '68 to '88 (source) but shifted over time.

It sucks to vote and feel like you’re just pissing in the wind. But, each vote moves the needle just a bit more and maybe, eventually, things will swing.


Did you live in a cheap wood-frame (aka Fire’s Favourite Food) apartment where all the noises echo in the walls and then in our heads?

Yup, and that’s been just about the only thing available. I’m sure that some high end places will be decently soundproofed; but, about that “Unless you can continue to be rich” bit, projecting much? Honestly, nothing about a city is attractive to me. I do recognize that we need a lot more mid and high density housing in the cities. And those cities need proper, modern transportation networks and to kick cars out of the city centers. I just have zero desire to live in one. I have a nice little home, out in the sticks, and have every intention of dying out here. I work remotely, so I don’t even have to drive in for that. At best, I come play tourist from time to time and that’s all the city I want in my life. Y’all can keep them and quit trying to force everyone to live the life you want.

As for demographic issues, birth rates in the US are below replacement level. It’s only via immigration that our population is growing. And that’s probably a good thing, as a shrinking population has a lot of negative economic consequences. But, we have plenty of room for both people and agriculture. We just waste a lot of it on feed crops and ethanol production.
